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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 2015年3月托福口语预测及范文(上) 继3月7日打响3月的第一场托福战役后,托福都会以每月2-3场的频 率来袭。今天智课外语为大家带来3月托福口语预测及范文。。 继2月1号的托考后,托福沉默了一个多月。上周六打响了3月的第 一场战役。接下去的几个月,托福都会以每月2-3场的频率来袭,大家 准备好了吗?今天为大家带来3月托福口语预测, Speaking Task 1 Talk about an important day in your life and explain why the day is so important. Use specific details to explain your idea. When I was seven, I took swimming lessons during the summer at our local outdoor pool. I could swim okay, but was still petrified of the diving board. Multiple times, when class was over for the day, I stood on the end of the board and stared at the water, desperately wanting to jump-in. Finally, on the last day of swim classes, I was at the board once again. My heart was pounding, but I used that adrenaline to fling myself off the board. It was kind of awful! Water got up my nose and I sputtered, coughing, to the surface. Yet, I was so incredibly proud that I had jumped in the first place! My mom even bought me ice cream as a reward. I havent jumped off a diving board since, but Ill always have the knowledge that I was brave enough to do it once! Give reasons why managing time is challenging for university students and why it is important. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. Based on my personal experience, managing time for university students is challenging because there are many extracurricular activities in college and students have a lot more social events than in high school. As a result, it is difficult for university students to manage their time well between studies and all other activities. It takes a while for a student to learn to balance academic studies and extracurricular activities. Organizing one’s time is very important for every university student because they will graduate from college and enter the job market. When actually starting a career, one must focus on not only work but also many other so


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