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电子发烧友 电子技术论坛 第34 卷 第2 期 电 子 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vol.34 No.2 2005 年4 月 Journal of UEST of China Apr. 2005 分布式并行服务器中的高性能通信研究 1 2 2 2 唐 续 ,刘心松 ,杨 峰 ,刘 谐 (1. 电子科技大学电子工程学院 成都 610054; 2. 电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院 成都 610054) 【摘要】基于快速以太局网中分布式并行服务器通信特点和对网络协议栈的分析,设计并实现了一种分布式 操作系统传输协议。该协议在维持通用编程接口的同时,精简网络协议栈底层的冗余操作,减少操作系统干预和 协议自维护开销。在8个节点的服务器系统上的测试结果表明,分布式操作系统传输协议获得比用户数据报协议更 小的往返延迟和系统开销,应用环境下有约20%的增益,能有力地支持系统扩展和大并发访问服务。 关 键 词 分布式; 并行; 通信协议; 性能 中图分类号 TP393 文献标识码 A An Efficient Communication Protocol for Distributed Parallel Server TANG Xu LIU Xin-song YANG Feng LIU Xie (1. School of Electronic Engineering, UEST of China Chengdu 610054; 2. School of computer science and Engineering, UEST of china Chengdu 610054) Abstract Aiming at the characteristics of the LAN of fast Ethernet and distributed parallel server system, a novel distributed operating system transport protocol (DOSTP) is proposed in this paper. The goal of this work is to study how to reduce the communication software overheads in the distributed parallel server system with off-shelf equipments, moreover to keep the common programming interfaces. Several measurements, such as decreasing redundant operations at underlying protocol stack, reducing OS interventions and the overheads of protocol self-maintenance, are used to improve the performance. Experiments have been done on the server of 8 PIII PC nodes and 100Mbps Ethernet with switches. Compared with UDP/IP, DOSTP decreases round-trip


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