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中国农民工问题中加国际研讨会 开幕发言Opening Speech at the China-Canada Workshop on Improving the Conditions for Migrant Workers in China 供仇鸿部长助理参阅By Qiu Hong, Assistant Minister of Commerce 尊敬的各位来宾 女士们,先生们: Ladies and gentlemen 上午好。很高兴来到重庆,出席中国农民工问题中加国际研讨会。我代表国家商务部向此次研讨会的举办表示热烈祝贺,向到会的各位来宾和海内外朋友表示诚挚的欢迎!’s my great pleasure to join you in Chongqing for the China-Canada Workshop on Improving the Conditions for Migrant Workers in China. Let me start by extending my warmest congratulations on the holding of the workshop and my sincere welcome to the delegates and friends from both home and abroad. 女士们,先生们,Ladies and gentlemen, 农民工是我国改革开放和工业化、城镇化进程中涌现的一支新型劳动大军,目前,我国农民工2亿。’s reform and opening up, industrialization and urbanization. China currently has a total migrant worker population of 200 million. They are widely found in every sector of the national economy and are making major contributions to urban prosperity, rural development and modernization. As industrialization and urbanization accelerate in China, more and more excess labour will migrate from the countryside to cities. The migration of these workers, their livelihood and development are among major challenges China has to address for the coming period of time. 农民工数量众多,农民工问题影响深远,不仅关系到农业增效、农民增收和农村繁荣,也关系到我国工业化、城镇化和现代化的发展,关系到我国全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大进程。 Migrant workers are vast in number. Addressing migrant worker issues will profoundly increase agricultural productivity, farmers’ income and rural prosperity. It is also relevant to the advancement of industrialization, urbanization and modernization in China and to the great cause of building a moderately well-off society, a socialist harmonious society. 近年来,中国政府高度重视农民工问题,制定了一系列保障农民工权益和改善农民工就业环境的政策措施。2006年,国务院出台了《国务院关于解决农民工问题的若干意见》,明确了做好农民工工作的指导思想、基本原则和政策措施,对于切实保障广大农民工的合法权益,进一步改善农民工的就业环境,引导农村富余劳动力合理有序转移,推动社会主义新农村建设和中国特色的工业化、城镇化、现代化健康发展,具有重大的意义。同时,各地区、各部门也做了大量工作,进行了一系列有益探索和尝试,取得了明显实效。但农民工仍面临一些亟待解决的问题,主要表现在工资偏低,被拖欠现象严重;劳动时间长,安全条件差;缺乏社会保障,职业病和工伤事故较多;培训就业、子女上学、生活居住方面也存在着很多困难。


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