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教室照明节能系统的设计 摘 要LCD显示教室内人数、系统时间、楼门开启时间和楼门关闭时间。本系统分为自动模式和手动模式,自动模式是通过键盘设定楼门开启和关闭时间,根据作息时间、教室里的人数和光照情况自动控制教室灯的亮灭;手动模式是不考虑光照强度、人数和作息时间,人为地控制教室灯的亮灭。同时,本系统还具有定时报警的功能,可以在楼门关闭时间快要到达时,提醒上自习的人赶快离开,从而符合照明节能这一要求。本系统以89S52单片机为控制核心,由DYP-ME003进行人数统计,光线传感器检测教室内的光照强度,时钟芯片DS1302提供了系统的时钟和日期,键盘由五个按键组成,分别用于选择自动模式或手动模式,也用于校正时钟、日期和调整楼门开启时间、楼门关闭时间。本系统电路结构简单,原理清晰,应用性比较强,性价比高可扩展性比较强 关键词:单片机;;Design of classroom lighting energy saving system Abstract As Chinas rapid economic growth, substantial increase in energy demand, energy supply and demand contradiction highlights, so that lighting in the building for research has great potential of energy-saving and practical significance. Both conservation of energy and conservation of capital, is the main purpose of this design. This system by single-chip computer control center, and LCD shows number of classroom, system time, the doors opening time and the doors closing time. The system is divided into automatic mode and manual mode, automatic mode through the keyboard to set the doors opening and closing time, according to schedule, the number of classrooms and lighting control lamp light out of the classroom; manual mode does not take into account light intensity, number and time to relax, to artificially control lamp light out of the classroom. At the same time, this system also features timing alarm function, can the doors when closing time is reached, reminded the people get out of study hall, so as to meet the lighting requirements. 89S52 microcontroller to control the core of the system, statistics by the DYP-ME003, the light sensor to detect light intensity within the classroom, provides the system clock and date clock chip DS1302, keyboard is made up of five keys, to select automatic mode or manual mode, respectively, for correction of clock, date and also adjust the door opening time, the door closing time. Circuits of the system structure is simple, the principle clearly applied strong, cost-effective scalability, strong, can be widely u


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