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Evolution of Drug Discovery HISTORICAL: Herbal extracts, trial and error 1800’s-1900’s: Pure substances (synthetic analogs) Aspirin - derived from salicilin isolated from willow tree (salix alba) Morphine – derived from poppy Ephedrine – derived from Ephedra sinica Mid - late 1900’s: Advance s and cell biology lead to better understanding of mechanism of action and the biochemical pathway of older drugs. Optimization lead to more specific drugs with fewer side effects Angiotensin II receptor antagonists for high blood pressure Evolution of Drug Discovery 1990’s - present: The Molecular Biology Revolution ! sequencing of the human genome completed A MIRIAD OF POTENTIAL DRUG TARGETS ARE AVAILABLE TO SOLVE UNMET MEDICAL NEEDS OF MANY DISEASES!? Current Strategy for Drug Discovery Select a therapeutic target Understanding the molecular basis of the disease Link the therapeutic target to a defined mechanism of action Discover a chemical lead (drug compound) that is safe, effective and novel 新药开发的基本过程 Diseases That Would Benefit from Major Advances 21世纪的研究主轴 生物科技 天然物 廿一世纪的生物医学科技 (Biomedical Technology) 高通量筛选 (High throughput screening) 功能基因组学 (Functional genomics) 基因蛋白组学 (Proteomics) 药物基因组学(Pharmacogenomics) 分子/细胞治疗 (Mol./Cell therapy) Integrated Biomics Studies WHO traditional medicine strategy To facilitate integration of traditional medicine into the national health care system by assisting Member States to develop their own national policies on traditional medicine. To promote the proper use of traditional medicine by developing and providing international standards, technical guidelines and methodologies. To act as a clearing-house to facilitate information exchange in the field of traditional medicine. Natural Products Animal Products (Bio-Products) Herbal Products (Plant Products) 对中药、天然药物的一般看法 治慢性病 副作用较少 药食同源 新世纪重点 中药作用的发挥 多途径 多靶点 复合 注册分类及说明 毒性药材 砒石、砒霜、水银、生马钱子、生川乌、生草乌、生白附子、生附子、生半夏、生南星、生巴豆、斑蝥、青娘虫、红娘虫、生甘遂、生狼毒、生藤黄、生千金子、生天仙子、闹洋花、雪上一枝蒿、红升丹、白降丹、蟾酥、洋金花


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