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(一)常用词汇(中英) 证 badge 护照 passport 注册,报到 register 采购代表 purchasing agent 邀请函 invitation 身份证 ID card 驾照 driving license 办证 make the badge 补办证 re-apply a new IC card(re-application) 个人有效证件 personal document 个人近照 most recent photo 电子请帖E-invitation 重要通知单 Important Notice 网上预申请回执 Notice for Pre-registered 名片Business card / name card 采购商号码Buyer NO. 采购商报到表(即蓝表)Buyer registration form 行李寄放处Luggage office 穿梭巴士Shuttle bus 柜台Counter 易通卡E-Pass卡 易通卡持有者E-Pass holders 填写采购商表格 fill the buyer’s registration form 港澳身份证/回乡证H.K./Macao ID Card /Home-Return Permit 台胞证 Taiwan Compatriot Travel Certificate 有一年以上境外有效工作签证的中国护照 A Chinese passport with overseas employment visa valid for over one year 由广交会发出的邀请函 Invitation issued by CIEF /sent by Canton Fair /from Canton Fair (二)验证组常用英语 1,麻烦出示护照 Hello,passport,please 2,请问您是否第一次来吗 Is this your first time to come here? 3,您是丢了采购商证吗? Do you lose your IC card/badge? 4,您需要补办吗 You need to register 5,您有身份证和护照复印件吗 Do you have an ID card and copy of your passport? 6,请去咨询台,让我们的同事向您的酒店确认您的护照号 Please go to the “information desk” and then our colleague will confirm with your hotel about your passport number.(三)咨询台常用语句 Is it the first time for you to come here? 这是您第一次来广交会吗? Do you have invitation? 请问您有邀请函吗? Has your company registered here before? 您的公司之前在这里注册过吗? May I have your business card?/ can you show me your card? 你可以出示你的名片吗? Did you pre-register on line before? 您之前有网上预注册吗? please make sure that you bring your passport and photo 请确认你带上了您的护照及照片 I’d like to contact the hotel that you stay in and confirm your passport number! 我需要联络您所在的酒店及确认您的护照号码。 Its our pleasure to help you. 为您服务是我们的荣幸! We will forward your kind advice to the department concerned, and do our best to improve the service. Thank you for your support to our work.我们会将您的宝贵意见反映给相关部门,并努力改善服务。谢谢您对我们工作的支持。 广交会邀请函三期都可以使用。 The Buyer entry badge (IC Card) which surely saves your time with an easy access is valid for future sessions of the Canton Fair. If you forgot to bring it or l


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