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摘 要 31 Abstract 32 This graduation design topic is the teaching building of Guang-Dong Pei-Zheng college . The building areas is 4989,and will be built in Guang Zhou.The earthquake forcitication intencity of the building is seven degree. The frame structure to the upper structure was according to the height of the building. The aseiscuis classes of the frame is three. And the foundation of the building are master of prefabricated pile. 32 1.1设计资料 34 1.1.1工程概况 34 1.2建筑方案选择与建筑施工图设计 34 2.1设计依据 39 2.2 结构方案选型 40 2.2.2 基础选型 40 2.2.4 结构用材料 40 2.3结构基本尺寸确定及截面几何特性计算 41 2.4 竖向荷载计算 43 2.5 水平地震作用计算 47 2.6风荷载标准值计算 57 2.7竖向荷载计算 63 1.楼板自重作用下的导荷载计算 64 2、梁、墙、窗自重作用下的导荷载计算 66 2.8第1/1轴框架内力分析 67 2.9框架梁柱内力组合 66 2.10第1/1轴框架梁、柱配筋计算 78 3 下部结构设计 90 3.1基础设计 90 4 楼板结构设计 101 4.1楼板计算方法的确定 101 4.2弯矩计算 101 4.3 板配筋计算 101 5.楼梯结构设计 104 5.1 楼梯计算 104 6 电算与手算的分析比较 109 6.1、总体控制数据的对比 109 6.2、柱轴压比的对比 109 6.3 梁跨中配筋结果的对比 110 6.4、柱配筋结果的对比 110 7 毕业设计总结 111 致 谢 112 参 考 文 献 113 附录1 PKPM软件包软件电算结果 114 摘 要 毕业设计题目为华北水利水电学院新教学楼结构设计,建筑面积4989,建设地点在广州,抗震设防烈度为7度;上部结构采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,框架抗震等级为三级;基础采用预应力桩基础。 毕业设计包括建筑设计、结构设计两部分。结构设计是重点。结构设计内容包括:构件截面尺寸的确定、竖向和水平荷载计算、框架内力及侧移计算、内力组合、框架梁柱截面配筋以及楼板、楼梯和基础设计。严格按有关结构设计规范或规程进行结构设计,并且考虑了抗震计算和有关构造要求。在计算方法上,水平地震作用采用“底部剪力法”,风荷载和水平地震作用下框架内力计算采用D值法,竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算采用分层法。结构设计算重点是手算,并利用软件包中软件检验手算结果。 关键词: 教学楼,混凝土,框架结构,内力计算,配筋 Abstract This graduation design topic is the teaching building of Guang-Dong Pei-Zheng college . The building areas is 4989,and will be built in Guang Zhou.The earthquake forcitication intencity of the building is seven degree. The frame structure to the upper structure was according to the height of the building. The aseiscuis classes of the frame is three. And the foundation of the building are master of prefabricated pile. This design is divided into two parts.One is the architectural design,the other is construction design.The structure design is emphasis the graduation design, and the content of the graduated design mainly are: deciding the size of cross-section the fo


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