Analysis of Huck’s Character in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn英语专业毕业论文.doc

Analysis of Huck’s Character in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn英语专业毕业论文.doc

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Analysis of Huck’s Character in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn英语专业毕业论文

Analysis of Huck’s Character in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Abstract: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of Mark Twain’s masterpieces. The protagonist Huck Finn is a veritable recreation of several living models. The portrayal of this character achieves intense verisimilitude in details. Huck Finn desires to be free and escapes from a civilized world. Huck Finn is shrewd, ingenious, good and noble. These qualities help him to avoid dangers and difficulties during the travel. Huck, as a child, has a lot in common with other children. He loves nature and has many emotional fluctuations. However, many his good qualities are against the western original-sin theory. In addition, Huck, a teenager with his nature of a little disobedience, is always pursuing freedom. His cruel father and the civilized widow chain him and make him zealous of liberation. Meanwhile, Jim’s slavery liberation promotes Huck to pursue freedom.When Huck helps Jim run away, he experiences much. In communicating with Jim, he gradually changes his mind towards niggers and makes his own judgement. This point, the family situation as well as the mundane world make him more mature than his peers. Through the narration of Huck Finn, Mark Twain demonstrates his deep-felt concern about the problem of personal freedom and the social limitations upon the individual. Key Words: Huck Finn; freedom; good; shrewd; mature 摘要:《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》是马克·吐温的一部代表作。主人公哈克贝利·费恩是几个现实人物的再创作,通过细节描写逼真的刻化出其形象。哈克贝利·费恩反应敏捷、足智多谋、为人善良、品德高尚,他的这些特性帮助他在旅途中平安躲过各种灾难和困难。 作为一个小孩子来说,哈克和其他小孩子有许多共同点。比如他热爱大自然,也容易产生情绪波动。然而,他还有许多其他孩子所没有的好品质。然而,他的许多好品质都是与西方的原罪说相悖的。另外,作为一个有一点叛逆性的青少年来说,哈克也在不断地追求自由。残酷的父亲和文明化的寡妇束缚了他,同时,束缚吉姆的奴隶制都促使哈克更期盼获得自由。在哈克帮助吉姆逃跑的整个过程中,哈克收获了不少。他在和吉姆交流时,逐渐地转变了他以往对于黑奴的看法并有了自己的见解。较同辈而言,对于奴隶制的看法以及家境和世俗促使他更加成熟。 通过对哈克贝利·费恩这一人物的塑造, 马克·吐温表露了他对个人自由问题和社会对个人束缚问题的关注。 关键词: 哈克贝利·费恩;自由;善良;敏捷;成熟 Introduction Mark Twain is one of the best-known realist writers. In 1884, he published his most successful long novel The


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