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Test Requirements: The Basis of Testing David Capocci, CQA, CSTE Sr. QA Systems Analyst SAFECO Corporation Agenda Defining Test Requirements (TR) What, Why, Where Fitting TR’s into the testing picture What’s within our testing process Generating TR’s Organizing Decomposing TR’s Test Requirements Hierarchy Samples Setting the stage for measuring test coverage Background “Test Requirements Hierarchy” is a term coined from Rational’s SQA Team Test software. The principle of identifying, organizing, and measuring test requirements is universal to many test processes and methodologies Much of this in-service is distilled from: Rational methodologies (we are an SQA Team Test house after all) QAI Workbench model Seminar topics from 19th annual International Software Testing Conference Star ‘98 West Conference Ed Kit’s “Software Testing in the Real World” Test Requirements What exactly is a Test Requirement? Why identify Test Requirements? Where does a Test Requirement come from? What exactly is a Test Requirement? Identifies the “WHAT” of testing What needs to be tested, AND What are you going to validate about it Includes both normal and error conditions Covers business rules, functionality, non-functional standards Do NOT have case specific data values assigned to them yet (data appears in test cases, the “How” of testing) examples… Example 1: Testing the inserting of a record to a table “Validate that you can insert an entry” “Validate that insertion fails if entry already present” “Validate that insertion fails if table already full” “Validate that you can insert an entry to an empty table (initial)” These are test requirements NOT tests because they do not describe the data element being inserted The data is irrelevant at this level, it will appear in the test cases used to cover these test requirements “Validate you can insert ‘John Doe’” is a test case not a test requirement Why identify Test Requirements? It’s what QC “owns” in our workbench: Requirements-bas


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