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1) 这辆小车价值10,000美元。 The car___________________. 2) 这事值得我们付出劳动。 It is__________________. 3) 我们努力工作,这是值得的。 We work hard but it is____________. 4) 这本书很值得一读。 The book is______________________. * mummy 木乃伊 clay art The Great British Museum Louvre Museum 卢浮宫 Metropolitan Museum of Art 大都会博物馆 The Best of Manhattan’s Art Gallery Reading: Predict what will be discussed in the text: Name: Address: Characteristics: The Frick Collection弗里克收藏馆 Henry Clay Frick Guggenheim Museum 古根海姆博物馆 Metropolitan Museum Of Art 大都会博物馆 Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆 Monet Matisse French painter Whitney Museum of American Art 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆 1. Who do you think the text is written for? 2. Where might you see such a text? --It is written for tourists and art gallery visitors. --Possibly in a guide book. Museum Number on map The Frick Collection Guggenheim Museum Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art Whitney Museum of American Art 4 1 2 5 3 Museum of Modern Art ______ 1. Li Lei is a student from art department. He wants to learn something about sculptures and drawings. And he also wants to know something about impressionist and post-impressionist art works. ______2. Mary is a student from Germany, she wants to see a collection of pre- twentieth century Western paintings. ________3. Frank is a new comer to the United States. He is interested in American culture. And he has been waiting for a long time to have a chance to appreciate paintings of the living artists. _______4. Lily is studying art. She wants to know something about eastern paintings. Besides, she is also curious about how the ancient people lived. ______ 1. Li Lei is a student from art department. He wants to learn something about sculptures and drawings. And he also wants to know something about impressionist and post-impressionist art works. ______2. Mary is a student from Germany, she wants to see a collection of pre- twentieth century Western paintings. Read the passage and choose the museum that they want to visit.


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