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ADC12壓鑄件之 T6 熱處理
T6 Heat Treatments for Die Casting ADC12 Alloy
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吳柏辰 、彭駿傑 、楊智富
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B. C. Wu , J. J. Peng , C. F. Yang
摘要 This study deals with the blistering problem in die
本研究之目的,乃在探討與嘗試解決鋁合金壓鑄 casting Al alloys when they are subjected to a T6 heat
件於T6處理時會產生起泡現象(Blistering)之問題。本 treatment. In order to realize the onset temperature and
研究主要以 ADC12 (Al-10.2 Si-1.6 Cu-0.9 Fe-0.3 Mg) time conditions for the blistering problem to occur, a
壓鑄鋁合金材料及其壓鑄件作為研究對象,分析鋁合 common die casting alloy, namely ADC12 (Al-10.2
金壓鑄件材料內析出物之固溶與析出行為,探討適當 Si-1.6 Cu-0.9 Fe-0.3 Mg), were used and subjected to a
之不起泡固溶溫度及時間條件,並利用調整熱處理條 series of solid solutioning tests. Once the blistering onset
件之方式,使鋁合金壓鑄件可藉由適當之 T6 處理包( conditions were identified, proper T6 heat treatment can
括不起泡固溶處理、淬水及人工時效)達到析出強化效 be applied to the alloys without the occurrence of
果。 blistering. Through a careful selection of heat treatment
實驗結果顯示, ADC12合金之不起泡固溶處理 conditions (not to exceed the blistering onset conditions)
之溫度與時間上限為 480℃/0.25 h ,此時合金之高溫強 and proper adjustments of alloy compositions (to lower
度為 1.14 kgf/mm 或( 11.2 MPa) 。由ADC12合金之高
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