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摘 要 随着社会经济的发展以及科学技术的进步,城市居民在对物质生活不断追求的同时,也对他们赖以生存的自然环境提出了更高的要求。而要达到在社会与环境效益统一的前提下,使经济建设持续又健康的发展,实现民用燃料的气体化是改善城市环境的重要措施之一。就我国目前社会及经济条件来看,在中小城市建立一定规模的液化气站,把液化气送到千家万户,作为居民的生活能源。这是一种技术经济相对合理,还能够改善环境、优化城市的基础建设。 液化气(LPG)主要成分为丙烷、丁烷和丁烯等易燃气体。若与空气混合易形成爆炸性气体混合物,因此液化气站属于爆炸、火灾危险性场所。对具有爆炸、火灾等危险环境的电力装置设计,必须严格按照国家有关标准和规定执行。并结合实际情况,因地制宜地采取有效措施,保障国家及人民生命财产安全。 依据国家标准GB50052-95《供配电系统设计规范》、GB50054-95《低压配电设计规范》的规定,工厂供配电遵循下列原则: 1.遵守规程、执行政策; 2.安全可靠、先进合理; 3.近期为主、考虑发展; 4.全局出发、统筹兼顾。 本毕业设计主要对液化气站低压配电系统中电气设备选择,负荷计算,线路的敷设方式,防雷等几个主要问题进行探讨。 关键词:低压 负荷计算 电气选择 爆炸 危险环境 防雷接地 Abstract As the socio-economic development and the progress of science and technology, urban residents in the constant pursuit of material at the same time, they also depend on the natural environment put forward higher requirements. To be on the premise of social and environmental benefits of a unified, sustainable and healthy economic development, implementation of civilian fuel gas is one of the important measures to improve the urban environment. On the social and economic conditions in China, set up certain scale liquefied petroleum gas stations in small and medium-sized cities, to every household liquefied gas transported by pipeline, as a resident of life energy. This is a relatively reasonable technical and economic, and also to improve environment, optimizing the infrastructure of the city. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) main components are flammable gases such as propane, butane, and butylene. If gas is mixed with air to form an explosive mixture, liquefied petroleum gas stations belonging to explosion, fire hazard places. Design of electrical installations in hazardous environments such as explosions, fire, and must be in strict accordance with the relevant national standards and regulations. And combined with the actual situation, suit measures to local conditions and to take effective measures to protect the State and the safety of peoples lives and property. According to the national standard GB50052-95 the code



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