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2012年第一届“滨海国际微电影节” 微剧本征集启事 The 2012 1st Micro-script Call-For-Papers of Binhai International Micro-film Festival 为响应胡锦涛总书记在十七届六中全会提出的“文化大发展、大繁荣”的精神,第一届“滨海国际微电影节”微剧本征集评选活动于2012年7月份开始举办。本活动由滨海国际微电影节组委会主办,旨在号召有电影梦想的人,带着梦想的翅膀,以城市之名,点亮每个人的光影梦想。 The 2012 1st Micro-script Call-For-Papers of Binhai International Micro-film Festival will be launched in July 2012 in response to the General Secret-ary Hu Jintao’s calling for the blossom and prosperity of our culture. The contest is held by the Organizing Committee of Binhai International Micro-film Festival. The contest is aimed at calling for and lighten up those who have film dreams to fly. 一 主办单位 Sponsor 滨海国际微电影节组委会 The Organizing Committee of Binhai International Micro-film Festival 二 评审委员会 Appraise-and-select Committee 由国内知名编剧及知名电影评论家组成。 National famous screenwriters and film and scrip critics 三 征集原则 Principles 微剧本作品可以反映近年来政治、经济、文化、社会发展变化,或者围绕百姓热点,反映草根生活,表达草根精神。 The micro-scripts called for may reflect the political, economic, cultural and social changes and development, and also they may centre on the common people’s hot spots, reflect the life and spirit of the grass root. 征集微剧本需兼具思想性、艺术性、观赏性,以“贴近实际、贴近群众、贴近生活”为创作主旨,满足广大群众日益增长的精神文化需求。 The micro-scripts called for shall simultaneously be thoughtful, artful and readable. They shall aim at being close to the practical, the public and their life. They shall meet the public’s growing spiritual and cultural needs. 四 征集方式及活动时间 Way and Time 1、 2012年7月7号——9月31号 创意微剧本投稿 July 7, 2012 - September 31 creative microscripts contributions 本阶段采取微博投稿的形式,编辑 #滨海微剧本大赛#+内容 发布到新浪微博投稿。 参赛要求:须为新浪微博,并关注滨海国际微电影节;最多5条微博构成一部微剧本。 滨海国际微剧本大赛微博: /bhvj This stage takes the form of micro-blog contribution. Contestant shall edit #Binhai Micro-script Contest #+content and then contribute by Sina Micro-blog. Requirements of the contest: It shall be Sina Micro-blog and concerned with Binhai International Micro-film Fes


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