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* 日落蝶 豹斑蝶 蓝色大闪蝶 南美洲黄斑蝶 猫头鹰蝴蝶 玻璃蝴蝶 印度叶蝶 邮差蝶 Queen Alexandras Birdwing Chinese name: 亚历山大女皇鸟翼凤蝶 Alias : 女王亚历山大巨凤蝶 Type : 鸟翼蝶属 Position : the largest butterfly Distribution : Papua New Guinea (巴布亚新几内亚) Butterfly wings is brown and have white stripes, the body has milk-white, chest local have red fluff. The butterfly wings are tiny, is also a rainbow brown, blue light green stripes. Abdominal gloss is bright yellow. The butterfly wings is about 16 to 20 centimeters. feature 蝴蝶的翅膀呈褐色,有白色斑纹,身体呈乳白色,胸部局部有红色的绒毛。 雄蝶较为细小,翅膀也是呈褐色,有虹蓝光泽及绿色斑纹,腹部鲜黄色。雄蝶翼展约16-20厘米。 Morpho Helena Chinese name: 海伦娜闪蝶 Alias : 光明女神蝶、蓝色多瑙河蝶 Type : 闪蝶科→闪蝶属 Position : the most beautiful butterfly Distribution : Brazil, Peru, Colombia Beautiful and fantastic butterfly, the whole wing surface like the blue sea surges the white waves, its color and pattern is spectacular, is known as the world‘s most beautiful butterfly. The butterfly wings have white decorative pattern, this is the symbol of noble .The whole body, the whole wing is violet blue face like the blue of the sky set a string of beautiful aura, bring light to the earth. 美丽而神奇的蝴蝶,整个翅面像碧海涌起的雪白的浪花,其颜色和图案是壮观,被称为世界上最美丽的蝴蝶。蝴蝶翅膀上有白色花纹,这象征着高贵的整个身体,整个翅紫蓝色的脸就像天空的蓝色字符串设置美丽的光环,为地球带来光明。 蓝色大闪蝶也称蓝闪蝶,蓝闪蝶本科的学名来自希腊词“Morph”,为美神维纳斯的名字,意味着美丽、美观(也叫灿蝶科),该科蝴蝶大型华丽,多为金尾色或灰白色。这对于闪蝶这个小科来说,是再合适不过了。 Blue morpho butterfly called the blue morpho butterfly, blue morpho butterfly undergraduate ‘s name comes from the Greek word“ Morph”, as Venus ’s name, means beautiful, beautiful ( also called Chan Department), the Department of butterfly is ornate. Tail is gold or gray white. The Morpho butterfly ,this small section, is again appropriate. 玻璃蝴蝶 玻璃蝴蝶翅膀是透明的,所呈现的是一种梦幻般色彩,它像其他翅膀透明的蝴蝶和飞蛾物种一样,翅膀中缺少密集覆盖的鳞片,因而具有与众不同的色彩。    像此类的透明性帮助玻璃蝴蝶逃脱了掠食者的注意视线,它们主要生活在南美洲雨林地区。 Glass butterfly Glass is transparent, butterfly wings of the present is a kind o


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