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高考英语书面表达 总复习(1) Presented by Ma Xiaojun Suggestions 高考英语书面表达常见类型: 图画式作文 A period for you to finish these above four pictures. Come on! Another period for you to show your versions The teacher’s version The next morning on his way to school, Li Ming saw many birds flying in the sky. Then he thought of the lonely bird in the cage. He decided to persuade his grandpa to set the bird free. When he got home, he said to his grandpa, Birds also need friends! To his delight, his grandpa agreed. The bird was set free. Grandpa and the children were very happy to see the bird flying away into the sky. 写好书面表达的一些技巧 “缺胳膊少腿”类 “乱点鸳鸯”类 2、显出文采 3、展示个性 Goodbye! ①、有效使用复合句。 ②、多种句型交替使用。 ③、准确使用句与句之间的连接成分。 常用的连接词汇有: (1)表顺序:first, then, finally, the former, the latter 等。 (2)表转折:but, however, on the contrary, instead, nevertheless, yet 等。 (3)表递进:what’s more, besides, even, moreover, furthermore 等。 (4)表因果:so, therefore, as a result, because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, on account of 等。 (5)表总结:as you know, as far as I’m concerned, generally speaking, in a word, in all, in short等。 (6)表对比:on one hand, on the other, while等。 小试牛刀---翻译句子 有一些同学赞成在宿舍区开一家超 市。他们说这样可以方便学生的日 常生活。与此同时,它还能帮助减 轻经济负担(financial burden)。 Some students are in favour of the idea of starting a supermarket in the dormitory, saying that it is convenient for students’ daily life. Meanwhile, it can help reduce financial burdens. 所谓展示个性就是与众不同,特别 表现在词汇的选取和运用上。新的 评分标准要求我们尽量使用高级词汇。 所谓高级词汇并不是越难越好,越长 越好。主要是指那些大部分同学都想 不到的表达方式,也就是与众不同啦。 例如: 1.She knows English well. She has a good knowledge of English. She feels at home in English. (at home:得心应手。) 2. English is becoming more and more important. English is becoming increasingly important. 4、亮而出众 书写规范,卷面整洁。 这一点非常重要! 2) 亮的开头,好的结尾。 不论采用什么形式开头,都不要在前几句就暴露出自己的弱点,如基础 性的单词拼写错误、语法错误,这样会 直接影响阅卷人的情绪。 结尾时要有总结性的句子,应简洁,不要拖泥带水。 1.扬长避短--- 发挥自身优势,


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