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Word Bank Products Guess Unknown Words Guess the meaning of unknown words and expressions from the context. Sometimes you can guess the meaning of words and expressions you do not know by finding clues in the same sentence or paragraph. Try to guess the underlined words and expressions in the following sentences. Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Guess Unknown Words Words for Reference resolve n. 决定之事, 决心, 坚决 v. 决定, 解决, 决心 unresolved a. 不坚决的(未解决的,未分解的) pathetic a. 悲哀的,可怜的,感伤的 rebuff n. 断然拒绝, 严厉拒绝, 漠不关心 v. 严厉拒绝 rebuffed rationalize v.使合理化 put over vt. 驶过(耽搁,做成) communicate successfully put back vt. 妨碍(送回,拨回,返航) depict v. 描述 * * For his wife, being home means she is free from the worry that something she says might offend someone, or spark disagreement, or appear to be showing off; at home she is free to talk. A. cause B. perceive C. resolve D. indicate A I feel eager and pathetic—that I am nearly 50 years old and so unresolved and needy and isolated as to look in a phone book for someone to talk to about an event that happened half a century ago. A. sensational B. sensitive C. passionate D. determined B I had tried reaching out to him a few times but had always felt rebuffed. A. put over B. put back C. put away D. put down D Efforts should also be made to rationalize the urban industrial structure to make it environmentally friendly, intelligent and information-orientated, and guide the cities toward the goal of modernization. A. transform B. adapt C. depict D. justify D 5. When hummingbirds fly, their wingbeats are so rapid that the wings seem blurred. A. indistinct B. tiny C. fragile D. inexhaustible A 6. The nov


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