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一般价格水平(物价水平)? 一般价格水平指各种商品价格的平均数,常用有重要影响的大类商品价格的指数来衡量。 价格水平本身与价格水平的变动相比,价格水平的变动更为重要。 因为,影响人们生活的是价格水平的变动,价格水平的变动会出现经济的通货膨胀或通货紧缩。 2006年1月美国的CPI权数构成: 居住类(包括住宅建筑、燃料和公用设施、家具与房屋维修)——42.1% 食品与饮料——15.4% 交通运输——16.9% 医疗——6.1% 服装——4.0% 娱乐——5.8% 教育与交流——5.9% 其他商品和服务——3.8% 中国CPI计算当中包含八大类300多种商品, 2006年中国CPI的权重比例: 食品—— 33.20% 烟酒及其用品——3.90% 衣着—— 9.10% 家庭设备用品和维修服务——6.00% 医疗保健和个人用品——10.00% 交通和通讯——10.40% 娱乐、教育、文化用品和服务——14.20% 第八大类是居住——13.2% 20011年中国CPI的权重比例: 食品—— 33.20% →31.79% 烟酒及其用品——3.90% →3。49% 衣着—— 9.10% →8.52% 家庭设备用品和维修服务——6.00% →5.64% 医疗保健和个人用品——10.00% →9.64% 交通和通讯——10.40% →9.95% 娱乐、教育、文化用品和服务——14.20% →13.75% 第八大类是居住——13.2% →17.22% 主动学习 3 GDP的计算 主动学习 3 参考答案 主动学习 3 参考答案 GDP平减指数反映了国内生产的所有物品与劳务的价格 消费物价指数反映了消费者购买的所有物品与劳务的价格。 遗憾指数及其他 遗憾指数又称痛苦指数,是指通货膨胀率与失业率之和。 不受欢迎指数,指人们对政府不满意的程度。美国:通货膨胀率加6倍的失业率。 稳定政策指数:即名义国内生产总值指数,等于实际GDP增长率加上通货膨胀率。 * To make this exercise more challenging, move the preceding slide so that it appears immediately after the answers to this exercise. If you are outside the U.S., please make the following changes: In (b), change the example to “A local manufacturer raises the price on industrial tractors it produces.” In (c), change “U.S.” to your country’s name, unless your country is Italy. In that case, change the example to something involving an imported consumer good. * Explanations: A. Frappuccinos are produced in the U.S., so their prices are part of the GDP deflator. They are purchased by consumers, so their prices are part of the CPI. Hence, an increase in the price of Frappuccinos causes both the CPI and GDP deflator to increase. B. Since the tractors are produced here in the U.S., the price increase causes the GDP deflator to rise. However, industrial tractors are a capital good, not a consumer good, so the CPI is unaffected. C. Italian jeans appear in the U.S. consumer’s shopping basket, and hence the increase in their price causes the CPI to rise. However, the GDP deflator is