2014-2015学年九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment》教案.doc

2014-2015学年九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment》教案.doc

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2014-2015学年九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment》教案

Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment? 主备人: 审核:初三英语备课组 复备人:__________ 时间:_________ 课时安排 4 课时 The First Period Section A 教学三维目标 Ⅰ. 知识与能力目标1.Master some new words and useful expressions:nod, agreement, disagreement, protection, organization, recycle, can, give up, so that, encourage sb to do sth. be harmful to sb./sth. 2.Master compound sentence: Ⅱ.过程与方法 通过介绍在生活中如何践行环保行为,提出建议。在提出建议的同时,又引出并列句。 Ⅲ. 情感态度与价值观 鼓励学生在日常生活中自觉践行环保行为。. 教材分析 1重点 (1)Words and phrases: nod, agreement, disagreement, protection, organization, recycle, can, give up, so that, encourage sb to do sth.be harmful to sb./sth. (2)Sentences: We should reduce the waste we produce. We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags. It’s a pleasure. Recycling can protect the environment, and it can save money, too. So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. (3)Grammar: compound sentence 2难点 根据句子需要,正确地选用连接词。 理解含有定语从句和情态动词被动语态的句子 3教法 listening, speaking and discussing 4教具 multimedia The main activities 1a and 2 Teaching procedure Step 1 Review Talk about the following questions according to the pictures and lead to 1a: Do you know how these kinds of pollution affect our environment? What should we do to improve our environment? Are you a greener person? Can you sort the garbage? Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen to 1a and answer the question: What can we do at home to protect the environment? 2.Listen to 1a again and answer the questions (1) Who is working for an organization that protects the environment? (2) What’s her main job? (3) Should we use both sides of paper? (4) Why is the recycling useful? 3.Watch the flash and finish 1b. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Read 1a and find out the key words. Then retell 1a . 2.Read 1a and complete the sentences in 1c. 3.Learn how to deal with the garbage in our daily life and lead to the compound sentence. Step 4 Practice 1. Lea



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