Management Science The Art of Modeling with …:管理科学与艺术造型….doc

Management Science The Art of Modeling with …:管理科学与艺术造型….doc

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Management Science The Art of Modeling with …:管理科学与艺术造型…

Management Science: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets (Second Edition) Errata December 3, 2008 Chapter 2 Page 50. There should be a subheading for the first set of exercises: Problem Formulation. Chapter 4 Page 86. The COUNTIF example should read: COUNTIF(D1:D5,“21”)= 2. Or it could also read: COUNTIF(D1:D5,“22”)= 3. Page 86. The second VLOOKUP formula should equal 36.00. Also replace “When the Lookup_value is not found in the first column, the VLOOKUP function finds the range in which it lies and chooses the next value in the table. Thus all values above 400 but below 500 are treated as if they were 500.” with “When the Lookup_value is not found in the first column, the VLOOKUP function finds the range in which it lies and chooses the lower value in the table. Thus all values above 400 but below 500 are treated as if they were 400.” Chapter 5 Page 105. Figure 5.7 caption should read: Northern Museum Model: Guide to Sheets. Page 107. Figure 5.8 caption should read: Northern Museum Model: Outlining. Chapter 6 Page 138. Problem 6a: “Professional should read “High-Speed.” Page 139 Exercise 9. The questions should be replaced with: Develop a base case. You may create any data you need for this purpose. Why is this base case appropriate for this situation? How sensitive are the benefits of ERP in the base case to the efficiency gains? Break the total benefits down into the contribution from efficiency gains, inventory turns, and CRM. Chapter 8 Page 171 Second paragraph. Cell E13 should be F12. Page 186 Exercise 2c. The power function should be y = axb (not abx). Page 187 Exercise 4c. The power function should be y = axb (not abx). Chapter 9 Page 199 Figure 9.11. The comment for cell E8 should read: F(t+1) = S(t) + (1/?)T(t) in order to match Equation (9.9). Page 199 Figure 9.11. The comment for cell D7 should read: T(t) = ?(S(t) – S(t – 1)) + (1 – ?)T(t – 1) in order to match Equation (9.11). Page 200 Equation (9.11). St + St-1 should be: St – St–1 Page 201



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