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沈阳师范大学渤海学院 本科毕业论文(设计) (2010届本科毕业生) 题  目: A Distorted Character- Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights 一个扭曲的灵魂-《呼啸山庄》中的希刺克里夫 学生姓名: 邢丽娜 学生学号: 系  别: 英语06级 专业名称: 商务英语 指导教师: 历 娜 ABSTRACT In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte shows what the true love is. Like Heathcliff and Catharine, although they can’t marry, the two souls never separate from each other. She even uses the romantic skill to give the double characters of Heathcliff. His love for Catharine is crazy and faithful, so does his hate and revenge. In his love world, love and revenge becomes the only thing, nothing else left. Not a crazy lover, but a crazy tyrant. When the tyrant behaves as an uncontrolled one, he becomes the embodiment of hate and revenge. There can be no doubt as to Heathcliff’s inhuman brutality and the deliberate pain and destruction he causes to those he despises. He is not alone, however, in his cruelty. The hate to all the world of Heathcliff is all from his frustrated love and his distorted character. Here, hate is the alienation of love. It seems that hate is strong, but it is alone and insignificant; the delicate love owns the unconquerably power, the two feelings extremely burned in one life, that is the crazy feeling world of Heathcliff. This paper focuses on different aspects of Heathcliff to show his distorted character and the process of change in Heathcliff’s destiny. Through the change of Heathcliff, the writer expresses her views that losing love means losing humanity, but she also has confidence that recovering love means recovering humanity. At the end of the novel, Heathcliff finally recovers his humanity, because he finds a permanent home for his soul. Key Words: Heathcliff, distorted character, love, revenge 摘 要 在呼啸山庄中,艾米丽勃朗特向读者展现了真爱。就像希刺克里夫和凯瑟琳一样,虽然他们没有结婚,但这两个灵魂永远不离不弃。作者甚至用浪漫的技巧给予希刺克里夫双重性格。希刺克里夫对凯瑟琳的爱是疯狂和忠诚的,这跟他的仇恨和复仇如出一辙。在他的爱情观里,只有爱和复仇,别无他物。他不是


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