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a-b Sphaeromyxa c-d Myxidium e-f Zschokkella g Coccomyxa h-I Neomyxobolus j-k Cardimyxobolus l-m Triangula n-o Ortholinea p-q Kentmoseri r-u Chlromyxum v Caudomyxum w Agearella 双壳目各属形态结构模式 (Ⅰ) a-b Sinuolinea c Davisia d-e Myxoproteus f Bipteria g Neobipteria h Schulmani I Noblea j Sphaerospora k -l Polyporoplasma m Palliatus n-o Mitraspora * When the fate of carbon (or energy or nutrients) has been measured of 100 parts fixed by the algae only a tiny fraction makes its way up into the more familiar part of the food web to crustacea and animals. In terms of the overall ecology, these parts of the food web are not significant. A very high proportion of the fixed carbon makes its way to the flagellates which eat the algae which produce carbon or eat the bacteria which recycle the carbon * When the fate of carbon (or energy or nutrients) has been measured of 100 parts fixed by the algae only a tiny fraction makes its way up into the more familiar part of the food web to crustacea and animals. In terms of the overall ecology, these parts of the food web are not significant. A very high proportion of the fixed carbon makes its way to the flagellates which eat the algae which produce carbon or eat the bacteria which recycle the carbon Hydrobiology 水 生 生 物 学 研究水生生物的生态学、生理学、形态分类学、地理分布以及在水域中一切生物学过程 原生动物-原生生物部分 Protozoa-Protista 五界理论 原生动物(Protozoa) - 藻类 (Algae)的关系 原生生物界 植物界 (含大型 藻类) 真菌界 动物界 (后生动物) 原生动物亚界 (肉足类、蛙片类、领鞭类、 动体类、多鞭类、超鞭类、 “孢子虫” 、纤毛虫、盘卷类等) 原核生物界 (细菌、蓝绿藻、立克次体、 衣原体、支原体等) 原生植物亚界 (金藻、黄藻、 隐藻、绿藻、 硅藻、甲藻、 褐藻、裸藻) 原生动物是一大类在起源发生上具有或无明确亲缘关系的低等动物的泛称或集合名词。 相对于多细胞的“后生动物” 来讲, 其共同的结构特征为, 它们都是单细胞动物或由其形成的简单 (无明确细胞分化) 的群体。 与高等动物体内的细胞不同, 它们自身即是一完整的有机体, 以其各种特化的胞器 (Organelles) 如鞭毛、 纤毛、伪足、吸管、胞口、胞肛、伸缩泡、射出体等来完成诸如运动、摄食、营养、代谢、生殖和应激等各项


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