
walt whitman惠特曼及作品简介.pptVIP

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walt whitman惠特曼及作品简介

2016 Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Leaves of Grass Whitman was one of the most original and inspiring American poets, true to his heart and to his role as a poet. 《草叶集》得名于集中的一句诗:“哪里有土,哪里有水,哪里就长着草。” Leaves of Grass Leaves of Grass was created by Walt Whitman in the form of free verse. Leaves of Grass ran 9 editions with more than 400 poems all written in free verse form. 草叶集在诗歌形式上有大胆的创新,创造了 “自由体”的诗歌形式, 打破了传统的诗歌格律. Free Verse Free verse (自由体)--- poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. The lines do not follow any set form. Some lines are short. Some are long. The words at the end of each line do not have a similar sound. They do not rhyme. Leaves of Grass Whitman writes about grass as a sign of everlasting life. The title implies rebirth, renewal, or green life. As Whitman once said, Leaves of Grass is “ the outcropping of my own emotional and other personal nature---an attempt, from first to last, to put a Person, a human being freely, fully and truely on record.” ---Walt Whitman Therefore, he threw aside the traditional ornaments and prettiness of verse and created his own form. Appreciation One’s Self I sing 歌唱自己 One’s Self I Sing This small (nine-line) poem is really a preface to all the others in Leaves of Grass. One’s Self I Sing” ONE’S-SELF I sing—a simple, separate Person; Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-masse. ?? Of Physiology from top to toe I sing; Not physiognomy alone, nor brain alone, is worthy for the muse—I say the Form complete is worthier far; The Female equally with the male I sing. Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power, Cheerful—for freest action form’d, under the laws divine, The Modern Man I sing. The technique in this poem: Alliteration and parallelism. Ones -self I sing, a simple separate person, (我歌唱我自己,一个个善良的人类个体,) Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse. (但说着平等、全体的话语。) Of physiology from top to toe I sing, (我歌唱从头到脚的生理学科,) Not physiognomy


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