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专科毕业设计(论文) 设计题目: 基于PLC的仓储动态管理控制系统设计 系 部: 电气工程系 专 业: 电气自动化 班 级: 工企 姓 名: 学 号: 4 指导教师: 职 称 副 教 授 2012年6月 南京 摘要 现今社会发展十分迅速,在过去,一个工厂的仓库存货的清点、即时添加货物、添加货物数量的多少及货物到时的所卸位置都需要人为管理,这样一个工厂就需要大量的人力。可是即使使用如此多的人力,也不能很好的完成所需做的任务,因为人总会犯错,在工作过程中难免对数量的计算错误,也难免会对货物停放位置的指挥发生失误。 但是随着社会的进步与发展,也随着PLC的出现与广泛的应用,上面的问题已经有了很好的解决。对于计数我们可以用PLC来解决,而对于小车运料,传统的运料小车大都是继电器控制,而继电器接线繁多,故障率高的缺点,且维修不易等缺点。作为目前国内控制市场上的主流控制器,PLC在市场、技术、行业等方面有重要作用,利用PLC控制代替继电器控制是大势所趋。 本文是通过对工厂仓库所需布料的匹数的控制及使用小车来运料进货这一过程进行PLC设计来使大家对PLC有更深的认识,从而更加贴近于社会的发展,更了解科技的进步。也是通过过去与今天的对比更加体现社会进步之迅速。 关键词 PLC 运料小车 设计 外围接线图 梯形图 程序设计 Abstract Todays social development is very rapid in the past, a factory warehouse stock inventory, add the goods, immediately add the quantity of goods and cargo to the unloading position need human management, such a plant requires a lot of manpower. But even with so many human, can not be very good to do the task, because to err is human, inevitably the number of calculation errors in the course of their work will inevitably have the command of the cargo parking location mistakes. Along with social progress and development With PLC emergence of a wide range of applications, the above problem has been a very good solution. Count we can use the PLC to solve the car haul haul car are relay control and relay wiring numerous shortcomings of the high failure rate and maintenance is not easy shortcomings. As the mainstream controller in the domestic market, the PLC has an important role in the market, technology, industry, PLC control instead of the relay control is a general trend. This is the number of horses required for factories, warehouses fabric control and use the car to transport materials to purchase this process PLC design to have a better understanding of the PLC, which is closer to the development of society, a


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