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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业论文 题目:La0.6M0.15Mg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Si0.1(M=Nd、Sm)贮氢合金的结构及性能研究 学生姓名: 学 号:专 业:稀土工程 班 级:稀土200级 指导教师:张国芳 La0.6M0.15Mg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Si0.1(M=、)如何该类合金目前应用研究的关键问题La-Mg-Ni系合金为研究对象,采用等温、恒电流充放电等电化学、动力学测试技术研究了La0.6M0.15Mg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Si0.1(其中M = Nd,SmNd,铸态Sm和退火Nd,退火Sm的加入来比较不同元素对该合金的性能的影响进行研究。从合金电极的电流容量,循环寿命,高倍率和动力学等方面考察后可以得出:Sm,Nd的铸态处理比退火处理会给电池带来更好的综合性能,如放电量大小,循环稳定性,大电流放电性能和电池的动力学性能等都有提高。该实验对合金的结构、电化学性能储氢性能和循环衰退规律等进行系统的研究。力求进一步优化合金的组成和相结构,以提高合金的综合性能Cast and annealed La0.6M0.15Mg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Si0.1(M=Nd、Sm)Hydrogen Storage Alloy Structure and PropertiesAbstract Currently commercial AB5 type rare earth based hydrogen storage alloys have been unable to meet the vehicle capacity of Ni / MH battery energy density requirements of high expectations. Therefore, the research and development of new higher energy density hydrogen storage alloy imminent. La-Mg-Ni system electrode alloy with high capacity and excellent dynamic characteristics of hydrogen absorption and desorption is a very promising new generation of high-capacity hydrogen storage electrode materials, but its poor electrochemical cycle stability limit their commercial applications . How to improve the cycle stability of alloy electrode alloys such key issues in the current application. In this paper, to La-Mg-Ni alloys as studied with the isothermal, constant current charge-discharge electrochemical, kinetics was studied La0.6M0.15Mg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Si0.1 (where M = Nd, Sm) of the electrochemical and kinetic properties. Mainly from the cast Nd, Sm-cast and annealed Nd, Sm annealing accession to compare the performance of different elements of the alloy studied. From the alloy electrode current capacity, cycle life, high rate and kinetics can be drawn after inspection: Sm, Nd-cast handle the battery than the annealing process will lead to better overall performance, such as the discharge amount, cycle stability, high current discharge performance and the dynamic performance of such batteries has incr


feixiang2017 + 关注


