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2010( 10) CH INA D IG ITAL CABLE TV : TN943. 6! ! : B! ! : 1007- 7022(2010) 10- 1144- 02 1 1 2 ∀ , , ( 1. , 054800; 2. , 710075) ! : 在光信号传输系统设计中离不开光分路器件, 通常光分路器的光路数目及其各路分光比都是由 系统网 设计者根据网 的具体结构设计完成的, 每 个光分路器都需由生产厂家特制, 这样不但造价 高, 而且不能互换和替代鉴于目前光接收机输入光功率范围都比较宽, 为便于光分路器的设计生产 销售使用备份和维修, 有必要将光分路器规范化系列化, 做成不同型号和规格, 供网 设计者选用, 为此推出两种类型不同规格的光分路器, 一类叫光均分器, 一类叫光阶分器 : 光分路器; 系列化; 规格化; 光均分器; 光阶分器 Design OpticalDistributorAccording to Serialization and Normalize 1 1 2 ∀ JIAO S engcai, ZHANG Hongliang , LI Songlin ( 1. Q ing e Branc ofH ebei BCTV N etwork Intermed iary Co. , LTD, H ebeiQ ing e 054800, C ina; 2. X ian M IC Enterpise Group, S aanxiX ian 710075, C ina) Abstract:Optical distributors are necessary in optical signal transm ission system. Optical pat number and op tical divide ratio of optical d istributor are customarily designed by designer of netw ork according to t e network configuration. T e optical distributor not only cost a lot, but also can not be exc anged and replaced because eac one must be specially manufactured by factory. In fact, t e input pow er range isw ide to t e actual p oto receiver, t erefore, considering t e design, m ake, sale, use, backup andmaintain of optical d istributors, w e ad bettermake it standardization and serialization and produce various kinds of types and norms. Tw o k inds of optical distributors### ladder optical d istributor and equal optical distributor are presented. Key words: optical d istributor; seriation; norm alize; equal optical distributor; ladder optical d istributor 1! ,


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