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云南电大职业技术学院五年制高职教育 计算机应用专业毕业作业(毕业设计) 题 目:题库管理系统 姓 名: 学 号: 学 校: 指导教师: 职 称:系统分析师 作业日期:2010年4月29日 摘 要 随着信息技术的发展计算机辅助教学逐步走向普及题库管理系统和组卷系统是其中重要的一个应用领域。数据库题库管理系统是根据课程结构和试题内容设计的一种具有针对性强、操作简便、成卷快、题目搭配合理、试卷难易程度可控等特点的系统。用计算机实现对题库进行全面、系统、科学、高效的管理和应用,是现代化教学和考试改革的需要。长期以来教师采用传统的人工出题组卷方式来考查学生这势必造成对学生掌握知识能力的测试因人而异难以做到公正、全面的考核并且对日益增多和不断变化的试题缺乏便捷、高效的管理手段试题、试卷查阅困难许多有价值的试题常会因为得不到及时的积累而流失一些陈旧毫无考察?数据流程分析、功能设计、?数据库设计、?系统实现、?系统测试和调试。本系统主要功能有用户管理、试题录入与修改、数据查询等功能。总结了本系统的特点:操作方便、提高工作效率、节约题库管理成本。 基于上述目的,本文对试题库管理系统进行了开发与设计。 Headline Along with the development of information technology, computer-assisted instruction has been popularized gradually, examination question bank management system and test paper system is one of the important areas of computer application. Databased examination question bank system is a controllable system which is based on the course structure and the design of the examination content which has special relevance, easy operation, the ability of making papers fast and the subject collocation reasonable, moderate in difficulties .It is necessary of the modern teaching and reform of examination to use computer for examination question bank to a comprehensive, systematic, science, efficient management and use. For a long time, teachers adopt the conventional man-made test papers to examine students, which results in students mastering different the knowledge test vary from person to person, and it is difficult to achieve fair, comprehensive evaluation. Because of the lack of a convenient, efficient management means of increasingly and the ever-changing examination. What’s more, it’s difficult to consult examination questions and papers, many valuable examination papers are often lost due to without accumulating timely, some timeworn and without investigation, by examination question finding out function you can update, modify th


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