low-e Film 隔热膜、保温膜、节能膜、建筑膜类太阳膜窗膜理论材料.pdf

low-e Film 隔热膜、保温膜、节能膜、建筑膜类太阳膜窗膜理论材料.pdf

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low-e Film 隔热膜、保温膜、节能膜、建筑膜类太阳膜窗膜理论材料

Available online at Thin Solid Films 516 (2008) 3179 – 3183 /locate/tsf Determination of optical constants of functional layer of online Low-E glass based on the Drude theory Shuiping Huang a,b , Zhanshan Wang a,⁎, Jian Xu a , Daxue Lu c , Tongsuo Yuan c a Institute of Precision Optical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China b Faculty of Science, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China c Yaohua Glass Group Corporation, Qinhuangdao 066013, China Received 31 December 2006; received in revised form 3 August 2007; accepted 27 August 2007 Available online 7 September 2007 Abstract Online low emissivity glass (Low-E glass) is a promising glass product. Determination of the optical constants of the functional layer of online Low-E glass is of practical interest for many applications. In this paper, the optical property mechanism of online Low-E glass was analyzed. The expression for the relationship between transmittance and optical constants was derived on the basis of the Drude theory and the basic methods for thin film optics. Finally, the optical constants of the functional layer of online Low-E glass were obtained by fitting the measured transmission spectrum using the theoretical formula. In addition, the free-carrier concentration of the functional layer was calculated based on Burstein–Moss theory. The calculated results are consistent with the experimental results. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. P


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