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题 目 垂直滴落状血迹形态分析 _________(部)_______专业(本科/专科)___________ 姓 名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 二〇一〇 年 六 月 声 明 本人声明所呈交的论文(设计)是我个人在教师指导下进行研究所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。本论文没有抄袭他人成果,若有抄袭,愿承担法律责任。 论文(设计)作者签名: 指导教师签名: 二〇一〇 年五月 二十日 二〇一〇 年六月二日 垂直滴落状血迹形态分析 摘要   血迹是刑事案件现场常见的物证之一,尤其在命案现场更为常见。通过对犯罪现场血迹的勘验,根据血迹的形态,不仅可以对犯罪过程进行重建,还可以提取血迹的血样进行检验、分析,排除或认定犯罪嫌疑人。利用犯罪现场血迹排除或认定犯罪嫌疑人主要依赖于血型检验和法医DNA技术,这些手段在国内外的刑事案件侦破中都被广为运用,发挥着巨大的作用。利用犯罪现场血迹对犯罪活动过程进行重建,主要是利用血迹所反映出的形态。形态类证据尽管不如仪器分析得出的结论那样精确,但对分析犯罪活动过程、进行犯罪现场重建具有很高的价值。在法医DNA技术广为普及、备受重视的同时,加强血迹形态分析领域的研究将对全面、充分地诠释犯罪现场血迹包含的信息起到一定的推动作用。 关键词:血滴、墨水滴、高度 Abstract The blood stain is one of the criminal case the spot familiar thing certificates, particularly more familiar in the homicide case on the scene.Pass the inspection toward the crime the spot blood stain, according to the appearance of blood stain, can not only carry on a reconstruction to the crime process, but also withdraw the blood kind of blood stain to carry on examination, analysis, expel or affirm a crime a suspect.Make use of a crime the spot blood stain expel or affirm that the suspect of crime mainly relies on a blood type an examination and legal medical expert DNA technique, these meanses bust in the domestic and international criminal case in is all widely developed a huge function for the usage.Make use of crime the spot the blood stain carries on a reconstruction to the crime movable process, mainly is the appearance that makes use of a that blood stain reflects.Appearance proof though the not equal to instrument analyzes the conclusion of virtuous so precision, have very high value towards analyzing crime movable process and carrying on crime the spot rebuilding.At legal medical expert DNA technique widely for make widely available and fully is valued


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