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黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 PAGE II 摘 要 随着当前煤炭的旺盛需求,部分煤矿存在突击生产或盲目超产现象,造成近几年矿井安全事故发生率居高不下,一套可靠的煤矿安全监控系统是确保煤矿安全生产的关键。将CAN现场总线技术和微处理器技术应用到传统的煤矿井下安全监控系统,能使其具有数字计算和数字通信能力,成为能独立承担检测、控制和通信任务的网络节点。它具有结构简单、实时性好、可靠性高、灵活性强等显著的优点。 本设计对CAN现场总线技术进行了分析和研究,选择了CAN总线控制器SJA1000和收发器82C250组成CAN通信接口模块,实现上位机与下位机的通信;用煤矿专用的KGJ28A、GT500A、GW50、FW15型传感器进行数据采集,以达到所要求的精度; AT89C51单片机作为微控制器,实现对数据的分析和处理;另外利用单片机驱动LED数码管,来完成监测数据的显示功能。 本监控系统对现场的安全指标进行测量和通信,其软硬件保护功能强,系统布线简单,成本低,可靠性好,精度高、抗干扰能力强等特点。 关键词:安全节点;煤矿监控;CAN总线;AT89C51;LED显示 ABSTRACT With the strong requirement of coal. Some coal mines become to product blindly, so the productivity of coal mining accident stay at a high level these years. A reliability set of monitoring in coal mines is the key of coal mines safety in production. By using the microcontrollers into security nodes for monitoring in coal mines underground, CAN-bus technology enables those measuring and controlling instruments to get the ability of digital calculation and communication and become the network nodes which can independently accomplish the functions of detecting, controlling and communicating. CAN-bus is a kind of field-bus, It has remarkable advantages such as simple structure, fine real-time quality, high reliability and strong flexibility. The design analyzes the CAN-bus technology. We adopt CAN bus mastering SJA1000 and transceiver 82C250 to constitute a CAN communication interface module which can accomplish the communication between the host and the slave machine; Using the KGJ28A, GT500A, GW50, FW15 sensor that use for colliery to collect the signals and attain the accuracy; Utilizing AT89C51 as microcontroller to analyze and process the data ,in addition, AT89C52 drive the LED to display the temperature. This monitoring system can measure and communicate site data and has strongly protective function of hardware and software, this system is simple connection, low-cost, high reliability and precision, strong anti-interference ability. Keywords: HYPERLINK /dict_res


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