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本科学生毕业论文 城市地下管线测量与管理信息系统 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院二○○九年六月The Graduation Thesis for Bachelors Degree Urban Underground Pipeline Measurement and Build on Management Information System Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2009-06·HarBin 摘  要 城市地下管线是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,是城市实现供给能量、传输信息、给水、排水等功能的重要基础设施,是保证社会经济及人们生活顺利进行的基本条件,是城市赖以生存和发展的物质基础,被喻为城市的“生命线”。 良好的基础设施和完善的城市功能所形成的良好的投资环境能够保障经济发展快速,加速现代化进程。但是城市发展越快,城市功能负载也越重,对地下管线的依赖性也就越大。一旦“生命线”出了问题,后果很严重。然而,城市地下管网种类繁多,用途广泛,数据量庞大,而且设施埋藏于地下,给管理造成很大困难。因此,信息系统的建立变得非常必要了。本文详细对城市地下管线的测量方法进行细致的分析研究,进而对科学管理测量数据的信息系统建立,系统的各种功能的实现等方法。 关键词:地下管线测量;地下管线探测;城市地下管线;Mapinfo;信息系统 ABSTRACT Urban underground pipeline infrastructure is an important part of the city to achieve the supply of energy,transmission of information,water supply,drainage and other functions of the critical infrastructure is to ensure socio-economic and peoples lives,the smooth conduct of the basic conditions for survival of urban and development of material base,has been hailed as the citys lifeline. Good infrastructure and well-developed urban functions a good investment environment to guarantee rapid economic development and accelerate the modernization process. However,the faster urban development,urban functions are also more severe load on the ground floor of the greater dependence of the pipeline. Once the lifeline of any problem with very serious consequences. However,the urban underground pipeline network a wide range of wide range of uses,the huge amount of data,and facilities buried underground,causing great difficulties to the management.Therefore,the establishment of information systems has become very necessary. In this paper,the urban underground pipeline to carry out detailed measurements of the analysis,then measured data of science and management information system,the various features of the system and other methods to achieve. Keywords: Measurement of Underground Pipelines;Underground Pipeline Detection;Urban Underground Pipelines;Mapinfo; Information System 目 录


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