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基于PLC的矿井排水监控系统现场控制部分设计 作 者 姓 名 王燕飞 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 指导教师姓名 马凤英 专业技术职务 副教授 目 录 摘 要 ··················································2 第一章 煤矿井下排水自动控制系统 1.3 系统组成 第二章 控制系统结构设计 2.2 控制系统网络设计 2.3 控制系统功能设计 ·······································6 2.4 控制系统可靠性设计 2.5 控制系统程序设计 ·······································7 第三章 PLC井下排水自动控制系统 PLC井下排水自动控制系统技术PLC井下排水自动控制影响PLC控制系统稳定的干扰因素PLC控制系统的抗干扰措施煤矿监测监控系统 第四章 结束语·······································12 参考文献·············································14 致 谢···············································15 摘 要 井下排水系统是煤矿生产中四大系统之一,肩负着井下积水排除的重要任务,然而,目前我国的井下排水系统仍由很多依靠传统的人工操作方式。本文介绍了一种基于PLC的矿井排水监控系统现场控制的部分是为了煤矿安全和正常生产而进行的各种有关参数或状态的集中监测,并对有关环节加以控制,是保护采掘、运输、通风、排水等主要生产环节安全运行的重要设施一种基于西门子S7-300 PLC的煤矿井下排水泵自动控制系统的设计方法和思路给出了煤矿井下排水系统的传感器及执行机构的配置方案、通信网络结构和系统功能设计,有利于排水自动控制系统的推广应用 Abstract Underground drainage system is one of the four major coal production and shoulder the important task of underground water excluded, however, the underground drainage system in our country many still rely on traditional manual mode of operation.This paper introduces a PLC based control system on-site mine drainage control in part to coal mine safety and a variety of normal production and the concentration of the parameters or state monitoring, and relevant links to control, protect, mining, transportation,ventilation, drainage and other major production areas important to the safe operation of facilities.In this paper, which is based on Siemens S7-300 PLCs coal mine drainage pump automatic control system design methods and ideas.Siemens PLC S7-300 type of coal mine drainage system is given the sensor and actuator configuration, communication network structure and system functional design, to achieve automatic control of pumps, water level monitoring, automatic start and stop pumps, fault diagnosis, etc.function; but also to achieve a reasonable sch


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