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2010年办公楼四楼装修设计方案The fourth floor office design decoration proposal红人(国际)服饰 市场部2010年5月办 公 室 前 台(一)F r o n t d e s k The fourth floor office design decoration proposal办 公 室 前 台(二)F r o n t d e s k The fourth floor office design decoration proposal财 务 部 办 公 室A c c o u n t i n g o f f i c e The fourth floor office design decoration proposal会 议 室M e e t i n g r o o mThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal李 总 办 公 室G e n e r a l M a n a g e r’s O f f i c eThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal四 楼 大 厅T h e f o u r t h f l o o r h a l lThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal四 楼 局 部T h e f o u r t h f l o o r l o c a l l yThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal总 监 室D i r e c t o r r o o mThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal等 待 区W a i t i n g a r e aThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal等 待 区W a i t i n g a r e aThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal茶 水 间T e a r o o mThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal洗 手 间R e s t r o o mThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal 女 洗 手 间L a d y b a t h r o o mThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal男 洗 手 间M a l e w a s h r o o mThe fourth floor office design decoration proposal四 楼 平 面 俯 视 图T h e f o u r t h f l o o r p l a n e v i e w400卫生间地砖800银线米黄瓷砖黑白格子地毯The fourth floor office design decoration proposal此 方 案 属 于 初 步 构 思The fourth floor office design decoration proposalThank You Enjoy



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