人教版 必修一 unit 1 单元综合复习课件.ppt

人教版 必修一 unit 1 单元综合复习课件.ppt

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人教版 必修一 unit 1 单元综合复习课件

* 嘲笑 经历,遭遇 躲藏 记下流水帐 对…感到狂热 令人…心迷神往 熬夜 故意 为了 好好看一看 碰巧 关窗 被…的力量镇住了 一年半 laugh at go through hide away set down a series of facts be crazy about keep sb spellbound stay awake on purpose in order to have a good look at happen to shut the windows hold sb in the power of a year and a half 15. 把..加起来 16.得分 17. 平静下来 18. 不得不 19. 对…担心;关心 20. 期末考试 21. 面对面地 22. 不再…. 23. 与…相处 24. 在黄昏 25.对…厌烦 add up get the points/scores calm down have got to be concerned about end-of-term exam face to face no longer/not any longer get along with at dusk be / get tired of Unit 1 Exercises 单词拼写 1.He knew there was a speed limit, but he i______ it and drove very fast. gnored 2. He felt u____ about losing the money. pset 3. It’s good for us to do exercise o_______ every morning. utdoors 4. It’s d____ everywhere in the house. Can you help me do the housecleaning? usty 5. A s_____ of TV play is on Channel 1 these days. 6. The boy hid himself behind the _______ (窗帘)and looked out through the window. 7. Was it an accident or did David do it on _______ (故意)? 8. From the beginning, Paul made it clear that he would be ________ (完全地) in control. eries curtain purpose entirely 9. The snow is very _____ (疏松) and there is a lot of air in it. 10. I did everything in my _____ (能力,力量) to help her. loose power 单项选择 1.Rescuers are ____ for the safety of two men trapped in the mine(煤矿). grateful B. concerned C. extreme D. frightened B 2. –So you didn’t say “Hi” to your partner when you saw her? --Well, I stopped and smiled at her, but she ____ me and walked on with her head high. A. refused B. denied C. missed D. ignored D 3. While ____ the dog, you should take care not to ____. Otherwise, it may be dangerous to strangers. walking; let it loose B. walk; be loose C. walking for; get it loose A 4. –Do you know the most ancient city in China—Xi’an well? --No, this is the first time I ____ here. came B. have come C. am coming


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