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2011年 高考英语第一轮课本复习课件 Units 7-8 竞赛,比赛 血液 说服,劝服 性别 合适的,适当的 凶猛的。激烈的 细胞,牢房 种类。类别 窒息 尖叫 救护车 轻微的,少量的 脉搏 突然的,意外的 绷带 胸腔 毛毯 填加词缀使单词与汉译搭配 1.dead__________(adj .致命的,极有害的) 2.imagine___________(adj.假象的) 3.true__________(adj错误的,假的) 4.prevent _____________(n.预防,阻止) 5.courage__________(vt.使泄气) 6.special_________(n专家,专科医生) 7.meaning______________(adj.富有意义的) 8.visible_________(adj看不见的) 9.strong ________(n力气,力量) 10.contain_________ (n.容器.) 11.electric__________(adj,电的.导电的.) 12.calm________( adv. 镇静地,.) 13.respond_________( n.回答) 14.conscious___________(adj.失去知觉的) 15.circulate___________( n.循环,流通) 16.recover__________(n.复原 ) 17.tight_________(adj.松的,) 18.explain___________(n.解释,) 19.cure _______(adj.可治愈的) 20.blood_______(v.流血) 21.ill_______(n.病,疾病) 22bite_______(pp 叮,咬) 1. V_______ cause illnesses such as the common cold ,flu and measles. 2. After a year ,she was c________of cancer, and she still works happily now. 3. One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon i____________other children. 4. The virus is t______________via physical contact. 5. Simon is not a___________at the moment .Should I ask him to call you back? 6. Normally, people and animals that are d_____________ are weak and unable to protect themselves from attack. 7. 8. They built the memorial in h__________of those who died in the war. 9. The dog b___him and made his hand bleed. 10.The police are questioning the drivers who may have w___________the accident. 11. People fled into the street in p________恐慌after two bombs exploded in the building. 12. Soon an a_____________ came and took her to the hospital as quickly as possible. 13. The driver was still c_______ when the doctor reached the scene of the accident. 14. The front part of the body between the neck and stomach is called the c______ 15. To s________is to make a loud ,long and sharp cry. 16. When a doctor takes a person’s p_______,he usually puts his finger on the wrist to feel the heart beat. 17. She shouted at me ,but I tried to kee


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