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转自: 专筑网 iarch.cn Shigeru Ban’s Cardboard Cathedral Underway in New Zealand 坂茂的新西兰纸板教堂正在建设中 Shigeru Ban just can’t get enough of paper tubes. The Japanese architect, renowned for his design of structures that can be quickly and inexpensively erected in disaster zones, is at it again in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, which was hit hard by a devastating earthquake last February. The earthquake of magnitude 6.3 killed over 200 people and inflicted irreparable damage on the city’s iconic gothic cathedral of 132 years. The cathedral was a copy of one in Oxford, England, and was one of the most famous landmarks of the Christchurch, pictured on postcards, souvenirs and tea towels. 坂茂只是不能得到足够的硬纸管。这为日本建筑师因为其建筑能被快速而低造价地在灾害地 区树立起来而闻名,这次是在新西兰基督城,这个前年二月被地震重击的地方。里氏6.3 级 的地震使超过200 人遇难,并且造成了无法弥补的损失,城市标志性的有132 年历史的哥特 式教堂被损毁。这座教堂是英格兰牛津地区的一个翻版,是基督城最著名的地标之一,明信 片,纪念品,茶杯都印有它。 A pioneer in so-called “emergency architecture,” Shigeru Ban has begun construction on a highly anticipated, unique replacement: a simple A-frame structure composed of paper tubes of equal length and 20 foot containers. The tubes will be coated with waterproof polyurethane and flame retardants that the architect has been developing since 1986 – years before environmental friendliness and the use of inexpensive recycled materials were even a concern in architecture. “紧急建筑”领域的先锋,坂茂开始建造一个万众瞩目的独特替代品:一个框架简单的,用 等长纸管和 20 英尺集装箱搭建而成。那些管子将被防水聚氨酯和阻燃剂包裹。自从 1986 年起,使用廉价可再生材料就成为建筑领域关注的问题。 Ban’s simple structure rests on a deep concrete foundation, with eight shipping containers sitting on top – four on each side – to stabilize the cathedral’s sloping walls. These walls, coming together at a point 70 feet above the altar, are comprised of 96 cardboard tubes. Church officials wanted B


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