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华中科技大学文华学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 题 目:美国发展可能要汲取中国的教训 学 生 姓 名: 王亚婧 学号:080203021115 学 部 (系): 城市建设工程学部 专 业 年 级: 08级城市规划2班 指 导 教 师: 张媛 职称或学位:讲师 12年03月05日 外文文献翻译 原文: The growth lesson America could take from China The basic driver of remarkable economic growth in China ?and India, Vietnam, Thailand, Brazil and pretty much every other developing country ?is pretty simple: people migrating from rural areas, where they抮e not very productive, to dense cities, where they are very productive. This is a tried-and-true strategy for making people and countries richer. But it抯 not just for developing nations. Over the past year, three terrific books have come out on the importance of cities in Americas economy. In ? HYPERLINK /Triumph-City-Greatest-Invention-Healthier/dp/159420277X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8qid=1331586089sr=8-1 Triumph of the City,敀 Harvard economist Ed Glaeser details how cities all over the world have supercharged human development and ingenuity. In ? HYPERLINK /Gated-City-Kindle-Single-ebook/dp/B005KGATLO/ref=pd_sim_kstore_1?ie=UTF8m=AG56TWVU5XWC2 The Gated City,?Ryan Avent focuses more narrowly on the role cities play in making Americans better off. And in ? HYPERLINK /Rent-Too-Damn-High-ebook/dp/B0078XGJXO The Rent is Too Damn High,?Matt Yglesias focuses on, well, why the rent is so damn high. The three make similar arguments: First, cities make us smarter, richer and more productive. Avent sums up some of the (voluminous) evidence: 揈conomist Masayuki Morikawa finds that productivity rises between 10 and 20爌ercent when density doubles. Morris Davis, Jonas Fisher and Toni Whited estimate that a doubling of density may increase productivity by between 17 and 28爌ercent. Their work suggests that more than 30爌ercent of real wage growth over the past 35 years is attributable to changes in density.?Cities, Glaeser says, are 搊ur greatest invention.?People offer ideas and teach skills to, buy services from and engage in healthy competi


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