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Journal of Software 软 件 学 报(投稿) ∗ 一种分层次的差异型 P2P 存储体系 1+ 2 3 4 高乾 , 杨智 , 田敬 , 代亚非 1(北京大学 计算机科学与技术系,北京 100871) 2(北京大学 计算机科学与技术系,北京 100871) 3(北京大学 计算机科学与技术系,北京 100871) 4(北京大学 计算机科学与技术系,北京 100871) * A Hierarchically Differential P2P Storage Architecture 1+ 2 3 4 GAO Qian , YANG Zhi , TIAN Jing , DAI Yafei 1(Department of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing University, Beijing 100871, China) 2(Department of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing University, Beijing 100871, China) 3(Department of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing University, Beijing 100871, China) 4(Department of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing University, Beijing 100871, China) + Corresponding author: Phn: +86-108004, E-mail: gq@ Abstract : Availability is one of the most important properties of a storage system. However, it’s very difficult to guarantee availability in P2P storage system because of peer churn. This paper argues that it’s unfeasible to provide the same availability level to all peers, so it presents a novel P2P storage architecture which builds on the basis of hierarchical management and differentiated service. This architecture has two important characters: first it uses a hierarchical organization according to peers’ character instead of organization as a whole; second, it provides different availability according to peer’s contribution instead of an unbiased service. This not only simplifies the organization of large-scale peers, but also provides good incentive mechanism. In this paper, we firstly presents a more precise peer behavio


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