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12届   分 类 号:                   单位代码:10452 临沂大学理学院 毕业论文(设计) 数字抢答器的设计及原理      姓 名       张娜娜             学 号    200807690143        年 级  2008            专 业    电子信息工程        系 (院)    理学院        指导教师  王传聪   2012年03月07日 摘 要 随着计算机技术的高速发展,数字电路以其自身的特点,已广泛应用于各个领域.在知识竞赛中,特别是做抢答题目的时候,靠视觉是很难判断出哪组先抢答成功.本次设计的抢答器目的就是解决这些问题.整体的电路可以分为两部分:第一部分是抢答电路,第二部分是定时、报警电路.抢答器具有锁存与显示功能;定时、报警电路不仅可以对抢答及回答问题的时间进行定时,而且即使两组的抢答时间相差几微秒,也可分辨出哪组优先答题.整个电路按单元分可分为编码单元,锁存单元,加法器单元,设定抢答时间单元,和译码单元五个部分.本设计对各单元所需的元器件进行了详细的介绍,并附上了电路图,最终完成了设计目的. 关键词:抢答器;数字电路;定时;译码;锁存 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of computer technology, digital circuit with its own characteristics has been widely used in various fields. and In the knowledge competition, especially when do vies to answer first subject, it is difficult to judge by visual out which section first vies to answer first success. The design of the purpose is vies to answer first to solve these problems. The whole circuit can be divided into two parts: the first part is vies to answer first circuit, the second part was the timing, alarm circuit. Vies to answer first instruments have lock to save and display; Timing, alarm circuit can not only to vies to answer first and answer problem of time for timing, and even if the two groups of vies to answer first time is a few microseconds, also can distinguish which group of preferred the answer. The whole circuit as a unit points can be divided into coding units, lock CDS yuan, adder unit, set vies to answer first time unit, and decode unit of five parts. The design of each unit required components is introduced in detail, and attach the circuit diagram, eventually completed the design purpose. 意见 Key words: Vies to answer first device; Digital circuit; Timing; Decoding; Lock to save 目 录 1引言 1 2设计任务目的及要求 1 2.1设计目的 1 2.2 设计要求 1 3工作原理及设计方案 2 3.1原理框图 2 3.2 设计思路 3 3.3 设计流程图 3 3.4 设计方案 4


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