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毕业论文 题 目: 共同配送的研究——以安得物流为例 摘要 随着国民经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,消费者的需求日益向精致化、个性化方向发展。制造商为了满足大众的需求,纷纷采用高频、少量的配送方式。国内大多数企业都面临着物流成本上升、投资物流现代化的能力不足以及专业人才缺乏等物流问题。尤其是中小企业,由于自身规模较小、实力不足,在物流配送方面更是举步维艰、困难重重。而共同配送是追求配送合理化并经长期的发展和探索优化出的一种配送形式,也是美国、日本等一些发达国家采用较广泛、影响较大的一种先进的物流配送方式。它对于提高中小企业的物流运作效率、降低物流成本具有重要的意义。 针对这样的情况,本文首先对共同配送进行仔细认真的研究,包括共同配送的概念和内涵、共同配送的发展过程、共同配送的形式。基于此又着重研究了我国企业的物流共同配送现状和安得物流的共同配送问题,在共同配送理论知识的基础上对安得物流的共同配送问题进行分析和研究,包括安得物流开展共同配送的背景、实施共同配送的目的、实施共同配送过程中遇到的问题,重点在于分析问题,解决问题的相关方面的研究。并在此基础上探索实现安得物流共同配送的具体措施和相应的建议,提出实现共同配送的一些措施和方法。通过研究探索共同配送的发展潜力,把握共同配送的发展趋势。 通过理论研究和案例研究探讨共同配送的发展潜力和发展趋势,这是本课题的研究重点。 关键词: 物流 共同配送 PEST分析 Title The research of Joint distribution — A case of Annto logistics Abstract With the rapid development of the national economy and the improvement of peoples living standards, the consumers’ demand is growing toward refined and personalized. In order to fulfill the consumers’ demand, manufacturers adopt a high frequency with a small batch distribution mode one after another. Most of the domestic enterprises are facing some logistics problems, such as the increasing of logistics costs, lacking of the ability to invest in modern logistics, and lacking of logistics talents. Especially the small and medium sized companies, because of their small size and deficient ability, they have more difficulties to develop on their logistics distribution. While joint distribution is this kind of distribution mode, its aim is to pursue the rationalization of the distribution and it has been developed and explored for a long time. Meanwhile it’s also an advanced and influential logistics distribution mode which has been adopted extensively by America, Japan and some other developed countries. It has a great significance on the improvement of the logistics operation efficiency and decrease of the logistics costs of the small and medium sized companies. According to this situation, this



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