英语课的演讲 黑色风格 里根和他的健康 Reagan and his healthy life.ppt

英语课的演讲 黑色风格 里根和他的健康 Reagan and his healthy life.ppt

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英语课的演讲 黑色风格 里根和他的健康 Reagan and his healthy life

Designed by Jack Lee Ronald Wilson Reagan Feb. 6th 1911 – Jun.5th 2004. Is the 33th governor of California. Is the 40th president of the United States. Was an actor before he became president . The one with oldest inauguration in American history. Lived for 93 years, the second oldest president in American history. Screen image Daily Life Photo Reagan and Nancy Nancy Reagan U.S. First Lady, Still alive. What is Health ? In the dictionary of most people Health = P M Physical Health Mental Health Health Health What is Health ? In the dictionary of most people Health = P M Physical Health Can also be called Healthy Body The left hand of Health , The goal of everyone , Both young and old , Men and Women , Do not often get sick , Do not often feel tired , To be a dynamic person . P P P Health = P M What is Health ? In the dictionary of most people Mental Health Can also be called Healthy Thought The right hand of Health , Some one didn’t pay attention , But the one we should , Both of us need , Positive side of society , Key point of a family , Just start from your own heart . M M M How to keep Healthy ? In the dictionary of Reagan Reasonable Diet More Exercise Keep Optimistic Health = D E O We use Multiply Not Plus Health = D E O How to keep Healthy ? In the dictionary of Reagan Reasonable Diet Can also be called Healthy Diet He is very concerned about diet , He has meals at regular hours , He never eat too much He pays attention to the nutritional matching , He never forget to have breakfast , Milk , bread and egg are his favorite , No salt or less and never smoke , Eat cereal every day . D D D



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