外研版八年级上Module 3 Sports复习课.pptxVIP

外研版八年级上Module 3 Sports复习课.pptx

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Module 3 Sports(Revision)Theme: Sports Function: Describing and comparing sports (谈论并比较运动) By Ms WangOur new friend: Lele(砳砳)the mascot (吉祥物) ['m?sk?t]第二届青少年奥林匹克运动会the 2014 Youth Olympic Games, (YOG) 2014.8.16------2014.8.28What do you think of the sports? excitingdifficultrelaxingenjoyableexpensivedangerous boringsafecheapeasymore ersportsA: Which do you like better, … or…?B: I like … better than…, because I think … is …than… I think … is… The basketball players train very hard every day to become top players. Find the same pattern.(找到与train carefully一样的句式)What happened to Paul?volleyball Paul loved basketball more than1. __________ (排球). His favourite basketball team was Houston Rockets. He thought basketball is more 2. _________________ (更令人愉快的). Every day he put plenty of 3. ________ (练习) in playing basketball. He was in the school basketball team and he trained more 4.___________ (仔细地) with his friends this year. His 5.________ (教练) was pleased with them. Last Saturday they played 6.________ (对打) Class Six as 7. ________ (通常的), He played too 8. _________ (粗心地) and hurt his right leg 8. _________ (严重地) and couldn't walk. His doctor said he would not have a 9. ____________ (机会) of walking again. This made Paul cry sadly. But after that, he said to his parents, "I will walk again. I will run again. I will be a fan and cheer them on 10. __________ (大声地).” more enjoyablepracticecarefullycoachagainstusualcarelesslybadlychanceloudlyRead and fill in the blanks.A new kind of sportthirty-sixDavid Belle started Parkour. He is____________ years old 2.Parkour is _________popular in some big cities in China.3.The runners run __________ and they can even climb the__________.4. Parkour is exciting but it is also a very __________ sport.5. If you want to practice Parkour, please be more __________.more and morequicklyhousesdangerouscarefulLele’s favourite Olympic sportTable tennis is my favourite Olympic sport. It is a little more popular than any other sports in China.



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