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IELTS Test 1 Listening 1 Im ringing just to make enquiries about renting a house. 2 what sort of price were you thinking of? 3 And a garage pushes up the price. 4 No,Im sorry we dont have any availabilities for Thursday. 5 what about a deposit?thats one months rent,whatever the amount is. 6 could you tell me how i can get hold of a doctor? 7 anyway,they work in things called practices. 8 when the doctor sees you,he gives you a prescription.he writes what medication you need on it and you take it to a chemists shop.theres one opposite the center. 9 i also found it frustrating to have so few teaching resources,but i did decide to stay and in the end i extended my tour to a third year. 10 and you wanted to see things through? 11 todays health counsel is presented by Paula Clayburg,who is the chief counsellor at Liverpools famous pain clinic. 12 They all suffer from chronic back pain. 13 the most recent available figures show that about a quarter of a million people are incapacitated with back pain every day. 14 but of course that starts up a vicious circle. 15 now,lets look at some of the reasons why back pain is developing into such a unique menace. 16 research shows that they often go into spasm,which causes further twisting of spine. 17 so much for the causes and aggravations of pain. 18 studies have shown that just one hour sitting in a slouched position can strain ligaments in the back which can take months to heal. 19 if your bed doesnt give enough support,back muscles and ligaments work all night trying to correct spinal alignment,so you wake up with a tired aching back. Reading 1 the concept of the rocket,or rather the mechanism behind the idea of propelling an object into the air,has been around for well over two thousand years. 2 not only did it solve a problem that had intrigued man for ages,but more importantly,it literally opened the door to exploration of the universe. 3 despite the fact that rockets had been used sporadically for several hundred


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