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Modul?e 2 在...顶端 在...底部 确保 努力 结果 安全的饮用?水 举出...的例子 摆脱贫困 愿意做某事? 和...一样有生机? 接近,靠近 死于饥饿 处于贫困中? 采取措施 挤满人群 交通工具 用A交换B? 与某人交换? 这是因为 受良好教育?的人 弄清楚,弄明白 属于同样大?小和年龄的? 练习说另一?种语言 有一月50?00元的工?资 所有孩子1?1岁前接受?教 取得一些进?步 共同努力减?少贫困 给一些财政?支援 你认为它怎?么样? Fill in the blank?s with the right? form. Secti?on one In the past, most peopl?e died of _____?__ (hungr?y) and _____?___(poor). Howev?er, _____?___(human?) acros?s the world? aren’t livin?g a good life with high happi?ness index?. With the__?_____?_____?____(devel?op) of _____?_____?_(tour) and__?_____?__(indus?trial?), the__?_____?_(pollu?te)is becom?ing more and more serio?us, and the citie?s are becom?ing more and more_?_____?__(crowd?). With the help of___?_____?___(chari?ty), fewer? and fewer? peopl?e are _____?___(home)and most_?_____?____(house?hold)are enjoy?ing their? life. The child?ren are being? well_?_____?_____?___(educa?tion)and peopl?e have got used to _____?___(excha?nge)their? opini?ons on the inter?net. Peopl?e are all__?_____?_(effor?t)to impro?ve our _____?__(live) stand?ard. Secti?on two 1. John is an _____?____(educa?te) man, so I expec?t him to get the posit?ion. 2. Child?ren need to be _____?____ (educa?te)on the dange?rs of drug-takin?g. 3. Nowad?ays, many young? men go abroa?d to recei?ve furth?er _____?____(educa?te). 4. It is high time that the gover?nment? took _____?____(measu?re)to prote?ct the envir?onmen?t. 5. Educa?tion shoul?dn’t be _____?____ (measu?re)purel?y by exami?natio?n resul?ts. 6. It took me nearl?y one hour to figur?e _____?__ the math probl?em. 7. Sever?al leadi?ng _____?___(figur?e) atten?ded the meeti?ng. 8. We’re makin?g _____?____(effor?t) to raise? money? for the disas?ter areas?. 9. _____?_____?__(devel?op) count?ry as China? is, it plays? a very impor?tant role in the world?. 10. _____?____(human?) are diffe?rent from anima?ls in that they can talk with words?. 11. He was _____?_____?__(fasci?nate) by the beaut?iful scene?ry there?. 12. Twins? alway?s share? some _____?_____?__(si


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