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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 以上八种浪费,都是横亘在我们面前的敌人,我们对它了解的越多,将来获得的利益也越多。对于这八种浪费,绝对不能半信半疑,否则效果便会打折扣。敌人就是敌人,一定要想尽办法消灭它!要知道,消灭它的同时,利益就产生了。在竞争激烈的环境中,我们要比别人获得更多的效益,才能够顺利地生存下去。我们不能有丝毫的浪费。 * Thank You ! * * * * * * Pizza metaphor – customer only wants to pay for the value-added ingredients that actually end up on the pizza Rolling pin, grater, pan, electricity, etc. are incidental Extra ingredients, rework, leaving oven on all night – waste Anything that consumes resources without adding value is waste * * We’re here to provide a product that gives Value to the Customer. Nothing else. If what we’re doing does NOT add value to our customer, we need to question it. We all ask for Value when we pay for our goods – and we need to deliver it, too. Think about your jobs and ask yourself: Is this adding value? Would the customer want to pay for this activity? * * * Present an example here. * * * Adding value but unnecessary does not exist. If it adds value, it is important, and we need to keep it intact. We keep the necessary things. If its adding value, we leave it alone. We don’t mess with the valuable part of the business. If it it’s necessary but does not add value, we try to shrink it as much as we can, but still be operational. If it adds no value and is not necessary, what is it for? Get RID of it, as soon as you can. And something that adds value is always necessary. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 有关人体动作方面 级别 一 二 三 四 五 运动枢轴 指节 手腕 肘 肩 身躯 运动部份 手指 +手掌 +前臂 +上臂 +肩 动作范围 手指节之长度 手掌之张度 前臂之长度 上臂之长度 上臂+身躯弯曲 速度 1 2 3 4 5 体力消耗 最少 少 中 多 最多 动作力量 最弱 弱 中 强 最强 疲劳度 最小 小 中 大 最大 时间 (以25mm为主) 0. 0016 分钟 0. 0017 分钟 0. 0018 分钟 0. 0026 分钟 ? 人体各部分动作等级分类 * 有关人体动作方面 6﹑避免突变原则 7﹑节奏轻松原则 动作也必须保持轻松的节奏,让作业者在不太需要判断的环境下进行作业。动辄必须停下来进行判断的作业,实际上更容易令人疲乏。顺着动作的次序,把材料和工具摆放在合适的位置,是保持动作节奏的关键。 动


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