中国文化英文PPT之京剧Peking operaPPT.ppt

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中国文化英文PPT之京剧Peking operaPPT

Peking Opera ;Is Peking Opera anything like western opera?;The demands from various art forms call for versatility on the part of the performers. ;Whether of the warrior type or not, an actor must undergo years of fundamental training in martial skills so that every movement on the stage is gracefully and precisely executed and every pose assumed at the end of a movement makes the performer resemble a piece of well-executed sculpture, thereby increasing the aesthetic value of the acting.;The foundation of Peking opera;In terms of literature, performance, music and stage arts, Peking Opera has a set of standardized procedures of performance. ;The performance in literature;《群英会》 《打渔杀家》 《空城计》 《贵妃醉酒》 《三岔口》 《霸王别姬》 《四郎探母》 《玉堂春》 《长坂坡》 ;《穆桂英挂帅》;《打渔杀家》;《群英会》;《空城计》;《沙家浜》;The performance in music;;;The roles of Peking Opera;;The role of sheng;The role of dan;The role of jing 主要扮演性格、品质或相貌不同于一般、有突出特征的男性人物,俗称花脸;The role of chou;The schools and famous performers of Peking Opera;The four great masters of Peking Opera ;Master Mei Lanfang;Beijing Opera Classic : The Drunken Beauty (A Representative Play of the Mei School);《贵妃醉酒》剧照;《霸王别姬》剧照;《五花洞》;The facial patterns of Peking Opera;The color of facial make-up ;白色--代表阴险,疑诈,飞扬,肃煞的人物形象.如:曹操,司马懿 . 绿色--代表顽强,暴躁的人物形象.如:武天虬. 黄色--代表枭勇,凶猛的人物,如:宇文成都. 紫色--表现刚正,稳练,沉着的人物,如荆柯. 金,银色--表现各种神怪形象,如孙悟空等 ;The Patterns of Facial Make-up; 杨七郎额头有一繁体“虎”字,显示其勇猛无敌。 赵匡胤的龙眉表示为真龙天子。 雷公脸谱中有一雷电纹。 姜维额头画有阴阳图,表示神机妙算。 夏侯惇眼眶受过箭伤,故画上红点表示。 窦尔墩,典韦等人的脸谱上有其最擅长的兵器图案。 ;The symbolism ;There are many established movements to signify opening or closing a door, entering or leaving a room, going up or down stairs, climbing a mountain or wading across a stream. It is through these stylized movements that the audience is led to an understanding of what is going on stage. Many regular theatre goers know the story only too well. They simply go for the symbolic acting.;Examples of symbolism;Walking in a circle indicates a long journey. Four soldiers and four ge


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