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小龙虾多味虾仁的加工工艺研究 中文摘要:本文采用新鲜的淡水小龙虾为原料,在传统工艺的基础上,采用现代食品中先进的栅栏技术及对主要栅栏因子-水分活度(Aw)等进行调控,在调味、蒸煮、干燥、杀菌、包装等环节进行一系列研究和改进,通过对龙虾仁生产工艺一些参数的调控进行研究,以确定最佳的组合。另外,针对目前国内市场上龙虾仁制品口味的单调及缺乏食用的方便性,对再调味这一工艺环节尚待进一步研究,采用几种调味方式。一是经微波炉直接烘烤;二是决定结合虾仁上浆技术,尝试在虾仁外裹一层发酵面糊,此面糊配方脂肪和含油量较低,经烘烤即可食用,味道如油炸的一样,但比油炸的脂肪含量要低,能较好地保持虾仁的原味,使其具有松、脆、香的特点。再采用PET/AT/PP复合蒸煮袋作包装材料,利用常压热水进行灭菌,避免传统的加工技术(如长时、高温杀菌等)对食品营养和感官质量的破坏。并且通过HACCP体系在龙虾仁加工中的应用,对其生产过程中产生危害的关键控制点进行分析和采取措施,最大可能地降低危害,改善龙虾仁制品的质量,提高其贮藏性和保质期。旨在开发出一种多味即食的龙虾仁制品。 关键词:龙虾仁制品;水分活度;生产工艺;栅栏因子;HACCP The production technology of multi- tastes shelled fresh shrimp on Small lobster Abstract : The paper use the fresh small lobster as raw material. Basing on the traditional process, using the modern stockade technology and the control of water activity (Aw) which is a main hurdle factor were studied. Through a series of research and the improvement and regulation some parameter of the production technology, determines the best combination on season, cooking, drying, sterilizationing and so on. Moreover, the study on blending flavor because the most products of shelled fresh shrimp are Monotonous and lack the convenience at the present domestic market. Several season ways were studied. In the first way, baking directly after the microwave oven; in the second way, Attempting the technology of starching, packaging the bread flour outside the shelled fresh shrimp. This bread flour has the lower fat and contents the lower oil. This way such as using the oil, but it has the lower content of the fat. After baking, the products have a delicious, pine, crisp flavor and can Maintenance the original flavor. With use the PET/AT/PP compound pressure pad as packing material and sterilization by hot water in atmospheric pressure. The technique could eliminate the negative effect on products made by high-temperature sterilization. According to the systrem of HACCP, this text carries through the hazard analysis, ascertained the critical control points during the process, and adopted s


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