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26 2012 ,48 (28 ) Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 城市轨道交通非高峰期开行方案建模与求解 孙 鹏,丁宏飞,廖 勇 SUN Peng, DING Hongfei, LIAO Yong 西南交通大学 交通运输与物流学院,四川 成都 610031 College of Transportation and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China SUN Peng, DING Hongfei, LIAO Yong. Modeling and solution for optimization of urban rail transit opera- tion scheme in off-peak period. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2012, 48 (28 ):26-30. Abstract :To reduce the operation cost and improve system efficiency during the off-peak period of the urban rail transit, according to the characteristics of the flow structure during off-peak period, this paper analyzes the character- istics of non-basic trip and builds a preliminary waiting psychological time model of non-basic trip based on physi- cal psychology. By means of stochastic process theory, key problems of trips taken by urban rail transit are ana- lyzed; subject to breakeven operation and system supply characteristics, this paper sets a multi-objective assistant de- cision model to maximize the benefit of the operation company and travelers. To realize the demand of assistant de- cision, it sets an intuitively expressed algorithm which has variable weight. Finally, an example is given to prove the correctness and effectiveness of the model. Key words :operation scheme; multi-objective assistant decision; off-peak period; stochastic process; psychological time 摘 要:为降低城市轨道交通运营成本,提高非高峰期系统效率,针对城市轨道非高峰期客流结构特点,对非 基本出行特征进行分析,借鉴物理心理学理论提出了初步的非基本出行候车心理时间模型;借助随机过程,对 于城市轨道交通乘客出行关键参数进行分析,依托轨道交通供给特点,考虑保本运营限制,建立了以企业利益 和出行者效益最大化的城市轨道交通非高峰期的多目标辅助决策模型;结合辅助决策要求,使可变权重的求 解算法对决策结果有较为直观的表达,并结合算例证明了模型的有效性。 关键词:列车开行方案;多目标辅助决策;非高峰期;随机过程;心理时间 文章编号:1002-8331(2012 )28-0026-05 文献标识码:A 中图分类号:U 121 1 引言 从现阶段国内城市轨道交通建设和运营情况来 伴随我国国民经济水平的提高和基础设施建设 看,绝大多数的轨道交通线路在为百姓提供便利出 政策的进一步持续,轨道交通建设特别是城市轨道


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