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2010年08月01日 正确答案:C Let stand for the number of students who belong to both clubs. The members of the math club can be broken down into two groups: those who are in both clubs (there are students in this category) and those who are in the math club only (there are students in this category). The members of the chess club can also be broken down into two groups: students who are in both clubs and students who are in the chess club only. Since a total of students belong to only one of the two clubs, you know that . Solving this equation gives , so students belong to both clubs. 2010年08月02日 正确答案:D One of the meanings of “keen” is “acutely sensitive.” Therefore, if our sense of smell is keen or acutely sensitive, it is capable of “distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.” 2010年08月03日 正确答案:C The error in this sentence occurs at (C), where there is improper pronoun use. The singular pronoun “it” cannot refer to the plural noun “phones.” The plural pronoun “them” should be used instead 2010年08月04日 正确答案:B Every cube has identical square faces. Since the total surface area of this cube is , each face has area . Therefore, each edge has length , or . The volume is , or . 2010年08月05日 正确答案:D Getting the correct answer to this question depends almost entirely on your knowing the definitions of the five words you must choose from. Which of the choices describes a judgment made “before all the facts are known?” Such a judgment, by definition, is not deliberate, and the sentence doesnt tell us whether the judgment was “harsh” or lenient, “sensible” or dumb, “fair” or unfair. “Premature” means hasty or early. It fits the blank perfectly. 2010年08月06日 正确答案:E Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the faulty logic of the original by removing the unnecessary pronoun “They” and the conjunction “so” so that the size of the two types of lions is the only thing being compared 2010年08月07日 正确答案:D The cost of a gallon of milk is equal to cents less than the cost of half-gallons . This can be writt


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