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第 6 卷  第 6 期      制 冷 与 空 调                    2 0 0 6 年 1 2 月        REFRIGERA TION AND AIR - CONDITION IN G 2730 二氧化碳翅片管式蒸发器模拟与分析 李 涛  李 强  阚 杰  郝 亮 袁秀玲 (西安交通大学) 摘  要  运用分布参数法建立采用 CO2 的翅片管式蒸发器的数学模型 ,分析制冷剂侧和空气侧温度、压力 和换热的变化情况。同时讨论迎面风速和制冷剂质量流量对蒸发器换热和流动性能的影响 ,结果表明提 高迎面风速可以增加换热效果 ,但增加的趋势趋于平缓 ,制冷剂侧压降则成近似线性增大 ; 随着管内工质 流量的增大 ,蒸发器总换热量和制冷剂侧压降都成近似线性增大。这些工作有助于进一步了解 CO2 在翅 片管式蒸发器中的换热和流动特性 ,并为换热器的优化设计和系统的匹配提供理论依据。 关键词  二氧化碳  翅片管式蒸发器  换热  流动 The simulation and analysis of f intube heat exchanger using CO2 as working fluid Li Tao  Li Qiang  Kan Jie  Hao Liang  Yuan Xiuling (Xi ’an Jiaotong University) ABSTRACT  Using the distributed parameter method , the mathematic model of the fintube heat exchanger using CO2 as working fluid is derived. The changes of the temperature , pres sure and heat transfer on the air and the refrigerant side are analyzed. And the effects of the frontal velocity and the refrigerant mass velocity on the heat transfer and the flow are also dis cussed. The results show that the higher frontal velocity can improve the heat transfer perfor mance , but increase the pressure drop on the refrigerant side. And the higher refrigerant mass velocit y also can enhance the heat transfer , but increase the pressure drop. This work is helpful to understand the heat transfer and the flow characteristics of CO2 in the fintube heat exchang er , and offers a theoretical basis for the optimization design of the heat exchanger.



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