《Unit 1 I took some photos.课件》小学英语外研社2011课标版一年级起点六年级下册课件38061.ppt.ppt

《Unit 1 I took some photos.课件》小学英语外研社2011课标版一年级起点六年级下册课件38061.ppt.ppt

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《Unit 1 I took some photos.课件》小学英语外研社2011课标版一年级起点六年级下册课件38061.ppt

Review some verbs in past tense(过去式). connect the words into correct sentences Read again and try to finish this job in your group. Homework: 1. write a letter:To use some verbs in past tense to write. 2. Read the text fluently(流利地) and try to recite (背诵)it. * Module3 unit1 Module 3 Unit 1 I took some photos. is am go start run want take have rain eat don’t was went had took ran wanted rained ate didn’t started bring brought are were 1.Where did they go? 2.What was the weather like? They went to the park. It was rainy. 1.What did they take? 2.Who ate the sanwiches? 3.Who took some photos? They took sandwiches and drinks. The naughty ducks. Daming took some photos. What did they do? 1. day / had / funny / a / I / very / . I had a very funny day . 2. took / some / I / photos / . I took some photos . 3. was/ There / big /a lake there/ lots of /were /ducks/and. There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks . had went took wanted was were started rained rained rained ran didn’t went ate took went were I a very funny day on Sunday. I to a park with Simon and his mum.We sandwiches and we to have a picnic.There a big lake in the park and there lots of ducks. Then it to rain, It and and . We quickly under a tree. We want to get wet. Then those naughty ducks to our picnic and___ all the sandwiches! I some photos for you. So we home. We hungry and angry with the ducks! From, Daming Write: Dear_____ , I went to a fast food restaurant last weekend. I ate some meat .The food was delicious.I took some photos.I had a good time! What about you? From ________ * * *


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